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golde62 OP t1_isy1jnv wrote

I always thought that they were a little more expensive but I don’t think that I’ve ever been. Can you get decent jackets for like <$50?


tunabomber t1_isycb12 wrote

I work outside in the winter. You need layers. Go to goodwill and find a thick wool sweater. Long sleeve shirt, wool sweater, flannel and a hoody will get you through just about everything. Sweats under pants and some good wool socks too. If you’re looking for a cheap but good coat try Gabriel brothers.


NSlocal t1_isz1a59 wrote

Does Gabe's still sell them cock warmers ana't?


Pennsylvasia t1_isyx3p4 wrote

Yes, I got a new one last week there for around $40, and there were lots around that general area.


IcyButters t1_isy30w4 wrote

You're not going to get a decent winter jacket new anywhere for less than $50.
