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t1_iu51po0 wrote

Pretty sure this was ruled illegal in Virginia, even if it's private property, so long as it was easily visible from public property:

No idea if PA has a comparable law for a threat against the life of others via a noose display, but there are kids seeing this disgusting display so it's the same principle as the Virginia case.


t1_iu56n9y wrote

Hoping the attorneys hereabouts can weigh in on this.

As a Black man, y’all know how I feel about this….

But IS THIS illegal?


t1_iu5g6a4 wrote

The other disturbing thing is how nonchalant the article is about a hateful fascist putting up imagery for the public to see that says "I want to kill the President" as though it's just tacky or distasteful, and not offensive and potentially (hopefully) illegal.


t1_iu8j4o4 wrote

This is around the corner from my house, unfortunately a lawyer said it was legal.


t1_iu6d6z5 wrote

If we do, it certainly is NOT enforced. I lived in Florida from 1981-2020 (with a 10 year stint in Tucson AZ for work). Moved to SW PA in 2020 and the vulgar shit I read on T-shirts, flags, signs and even the ‘Lets Go Brandon’ in places of business - along with a lot of businesses calling Gov TomWolf a nazi- is mind blowing.


t1_iu76y5t wrote

The display of the noose is illegal, not the FJB part.


t1_iu6o5cm wrote

Wow, what amazing legal insight. "I don't know PA law, but I'll comment anyway."

I love it Yinzers. Keep voting D and wonder why nothing changes. You are the dinosaurs. You will be gone soon enough. How is old Ed working out for you so far?
