
Goggles_Greek t1_iu51po0 wrote

Pretty sure this was ruled illegal in Virginia, even if it's private property, so long as it was easily visible from public property: https://www.delmarvanow.com/story/news/local/virginia/2018/03/02/va-high-court-rules-against-displaying-noose-private-property/388159002/

No idea if PA has a comparable law for a threat against the life of others via a noose display, but there are kids seeing this disgusting display so it's the same principle as the Virginia case.


Goggles_Greek t1_ituqlx8 wrote

Yeah. It's a crappy legislative system, and a two-party system has not been sustainable for our national health.

But those are the current rules. All we can do is make the best decisions based on the existing system.

Only way to change the system in my mind is for Democrats to win enough to gain a supermajority and get pressured and persuaded to change the systems for the better. And/or be large enough to split into two parties (that still each outnumber the right) that work as a coalition.


Goggles_Greek t1_itup86d wrote

It's an election.

Moderates and fence-sitters are going to be courted by both candidates.

Oz isn't going to campaign on killing Social Security, ACA, and giving himself and other obscenely rich people tax cuts, but we all know that's what he'll do if he wins and Regressives take the Senate back.

Call it lying or campaigning, but that's how it goes in a purple state like PA. I trust the good stuff from Fetterman I've seen for years. And I trust the awful things I've read about Oz and seen from Regressives, and am going to vote to make sure Oz doesn't win.


Goggles_Greek t1_ituokk8 wrote

To be fair, Sinema gets shunned because she gets lobbied (bribed) by corporations to deliberately sink Democratic policies that would fairly tax and regulate corporations.

Fetterman in office and getting to 51+ Senators will make bribed Senators like Sinema much less powerful.


Goggles_Greek t1_ituo2xz wrote

If he cared about people like us, if he cared about Public Service, he would have entered public service years ago, and not just swooped in to try and use his money and fame to buy an empty Senate seat in a state he doesn't live in.

I don't think Captain Crudite thinks you and I are real people.


Goggles_Greek t1_ituiu5m wrote

A debate only matters if there's actual policy disagreements that could sway an unresolved voter.

There's no policy in the world that could matter enough to get past the fact that Oz is a multimillionaire asshole with no experience and he doesn't even live here.

Oz admitting that he would make sure a woman's bodily autonomy is controlled by politicians was just another confirmation of how awful he is as a person and how awful he would be as a Senator.