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dingurth1 t1_iqqvcza wrote

As a recent transplant myself these were some of the things I was looking into to make friends.

Book clubs, gyms, gardening clubs, outdoor groups/recreational sports leagues, joining a church/community group.

Those are just my interests though. I've heard the Meetup app is fairly successful for people, you could browse that and see what strikes your fancy.


steeerrrfff t1_iqr05ej wrote

Have you found a gardening club or rec sports league? I moved here just before covid and have been having a hard time.


dingurth1 t1_iquee3d wrote

I've only been here a week so not super into it yet and frankly haven't looked into rec sports yet. But I was planning on trying to get in touch with Grow Pittsburgh, which seems to be an active community gardening club.


itsacoup t1_iqr7dwy wrote

PSL is the main rec sports league. There's also Stonewall if you're of the limp wrist persuasion.


Evening_Attention_45 t1_iqrlq7k wrote

Were you able to make friends as a result of your efforts?


dingurth1 t1_ique6ln wrote

I mean I'm super recent, only been here a week haha. But so far so good. I've met a few people though my drinking activities (love breweries and I brew beer, so homebrew clubs) but not applicable to OP.

I just met someone today after a church service who is super into gardening and he invited me over to his garden/flower shop. So I'd say fairly successful in the short time so far.


CrazyOkie t1_iqtufkr wrote

>Book clubs, gyms, gardening clubs, outdoor groups/recreational sports leagues, joining a church/community group

I'd second all of these. OP, you mentioned you're pretty flexible - but what do you like to do, if it is just you choosing?