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pittsburghirons t1_iu9jqo4 wrote

I like how Aspinwall and Blawnox have their own little downtowns with small businesses. Old Thunder is a great brewery. You’re in the burbs but the eating options aren’t just Applebees. Proximity to Lawrenceville is great too; you’re 10 minutes from lots of great options if the traffic is right. We don’t have kids, but if we did it’d be attractive for the Fox Chapel school district also. There’s a great waterfront park in Aspinwall, and depending on your starting point you’d also be a quick drive to Harwood Acres. We still live in town, but if we left these are the reasons we’d look in that area. Also, I don’t think I’ve been in a mall since 2006, so not being near one doesn’t bother me at all.