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Argercy t1_iufw4ix wrote

Some people have a desire to be segregated from those they feel superiority over. It's tribal, they want their own tribe to prosper, and political affiliation is the only acceptable way to fulfill the primitive need to be in a tribe and see that tribe thrive.

Putting a sign in the window of your business with your tribe's affiliation on it is akin to a "no coloreds or Italians need apply" sign back in the early 1900s. Keeps the riffraff out and encourages business with those you feel kinship with.


Cl1mh4224rd t1_iugv99h wrote

>It's tribal...

What a weird-ass world you must live in, where putting up a political sign is not considered tribal, but avoiding locations with a specific sign is considered tribal. Wow.


Argercy t1_iuh99hx wrote

Oh no, that's tribal too. I thought that was's to discourage the patronage of those who don't identify with the same tribe.

It's not about political support anymore.

I just want to add, political campaigning contributes to strife and marketing, you want to create an emotion that people will remember when they need a service you provide. Politicians do this, creating emotions to get your vote to give them the position of power and make more money. For themselves.

Tribalism is heavily encouraged through fearmongering and mudslinging during campaigns. Your emotions are being used against you for votes, both side do this, and neither side gives a flying fuck about you. Politicians are not saviors coming to defeat your imaginary oppressors registered under your opposing side. They blow a lot of hot air, sling a lot of mud, then shrink into the shadows until the next campaign period. I've been a working, independent adult for 20 years now and I can't think of one thing other than some local hunting laws in my area that have changed enough to make an impact. If anything, things have become exponentially worse.

We need to quit aligning with tribal leaders and using them as our identities, we need to get the pitchforks out. And a gallows.
