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EvetsYenoham t1_iug49wy wrote

I don’t have a uterus. There is that. I will never have that perspective. That’s why I don’t really comment on that topic. I don’t see it as my place to comment. In my world, men wouldn’t be able to make decisions about women’s bodies. I mean there is the very rare case where the man wants to keep and the lady doesn’t, which in my world, is a real pickle, but otherwise men should not get to decide one way or the other. Only women get to vote on that one.


potato_witch t1_iugfobg wrote

But voting for or supporting a politician IS voting/supporting for wether you believe women should be able to make decisions about their body or not. I chose to support businesses that support a woman’s right to healthcare and bodily autonomy.


Cl1mh4224rd t1_iugw3n2 wrote

>I don’t see it as my place to comment.

And yet you go on to do just that, here on Reddit. But you won't "comment" on it when it comes time to vote?

You coward.