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cooldude_4000 t1_itq5j4x wrote

Pittsburgh City Paper is hosting a watch party at Square Cafe:


10malesics OP t1_itq5umx wrote


I personally have covid, after all this time it finally got me.


reerathered1 t1_itqehvx wrote

Thought I was immune. Glad I got my booster in case I'm like you!


10malesics OP t1_itqexvj wrote

I've got the initial 2 doses and 2 boosters under my belt and still got it. It must have been in passing from a stranger too. I work from home and haven't seen any friends or family recently. Only been out to run a few errands with a mask on. So it definitely seems like this current strain is very contagious.

*Edit: Not judging anyone who is or isn't wearing masks at this point. I've just been having allergies too and have figured it better to wear it and be safe and not scare anyone at the same time.


Deesh69 t1_itqpf1z wrote

Sorry, saw your edit and needed to post a rant/story time. So yesterday I was in line at Moe’s and this couple at the very front of the line was ordering and paying for their food and they were both wearing masks. This guy gets in line behind me and gets a call from someone and while on the phone makes the comment of “people are still wearing masks” and a little later says it’s like “taking seatbelts out of a car”. Like first why does he care what other people are doing? If they feel safer wearing a mask let them wear it, it’s not impacting you and you don’t know what’s going on in their personal life either. There no need to make a comment and judge them because from the person on the phone’s point of view masks aren’t needed anymore. Also I added the seat belt analogy because it was just a horrible analogy, wearing a mask is like wearing a seatbelt not the other way around.


twistedevil t1_itrb47q wrote

I don't get it either, and in all truth, they still are needed. We have thousands of cases still per week, many unreported, new variants circulating, and not enough people getting the updated booster. I don't know why people can't just be considerate in public spaces and wear one for 20 mins while running into a store.


Deesh69 t1_itrifuk wrote

Absolutely, a lot of people think covid is just gone and they don’t have to worry about it anymore. But because not everyone got vaccinated the virus can mutate and still cause problems for everyone. I won’t lie I don’t wear a mask if I’m just running in somewhere quick, for example grab an online order and leave. But if I’m somewhere longer than 5 minutes I will wear a mask because the longer I’m there the more likely chance I can get covid because of people not reporting or still going out while sick.


JAK3CAL t1_itr5s3s wrote

That’s still a bad analogy; seatbelts have been documented to save lives. Have masks?

I’m also of the position that do whatever makes you happy. You wanna wear a mask, knock yourself out. Just don’t think they have any efficacy in the situation


TrentWolfred t1_ittmlc2 wrote

Yes, masks have been shown to reduce Covid-19 transmission, which in turn reduces deaths. At this point, there’s really a preponderance of evidence that says so. (Reduced transmission also means fewer overall cases and fewer opportunities for the virus to mutate into a variant that could be far deadlier or otherwise have more severe consequences than those of the currently-prevailing variants.)

Masks aren’t perfect, and some are better than others, but I’m not sure how this misconception that they have zero efficacy persists.


JAK3CAL t1_ituhx1z wrote

I wore masks. Got Covid twice. I’m done with masks and from personal experience don’t believe they are effective. 🤷


Deesh69 t1_itrglw5 wrote

I mean you are not wrong but it depends on what you are looking at with seatbelts. While masks don’t directly save lives, masks are definitely helpful for safety and preventative measures. Like millions of people drive there car everyday and don’t get into a severe accident or any accident at all but still wear their seatbelt for safety and prevention incase they were to get into an accident. The safety and prevention goes with wearing a mask. I believe studies have shown wearing a mask does help with lowering the chances of spreading covid and from getting covid but the those numbers increase when no one else where a mask around that person wearing them. If I get the free time I will certainly try to find that study and post in this thread.