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Sankara_Connolly2020 t1_iw4n8vc wrote

For all his faults and concerns about his health, Fetterman is principled and makes policy decisions based on he feels is in the material interests of the working class. Oz is a snake oil salesman actions on behalf of the same old private equity vultures and Chamber of Commerce midwits that still dominate most of the GOP.

A narrow majority of PA voters understood that.


pAul2437 t1_iw7lw23 wrote

So you think Having a fracking well in braddock is the best interest of the working class?


Sankara_Connolly2020 t1_iw80gfw wrote

Energy abundance and replacing coal with natural gas is in the best interest of everyone.


WhyHulud t1_iw8bze3 wrote

Measured answers, Paul's only weakness


pAul2437 t1_iw8d48v wrote

Which her few fetterman stans give. Props To you!
