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t1_ivgxm9q wrote

> Maybe that's the argument but I've seen nothing to suggest that it is actually true. I don't even understand what the mechanism for "influence" is here - if people see the vote going one way it seems just as likely to encourage them to vote as not. The argument seems pretty half-baked.

If voting were zero cost, it probably wouldn't, but most people have to take time off of work, arrange for transport, get childcare, etc. And if it looks like a bygone conclusion, why bother?


t1_ivh6prw wrote

The people closely watching election returns come in are mostly not the people who make a last minute decision whether or not to vote


t1_ivh7k6v wrote

shrug Dunno. Election coverage is easy to find, and a lot of people will likely be stepping out of their workplace at 5:00 or 6:00 p.m., and trying to make that final decision as to whether they want to make the effort. I could list a few cases I've known of people who made that last minute decision not to head to the polls, but the plural of anecdote isn't data.


t1_ivi5eh2 wrote

I, unfortunately, did this for the 2016 election. 🙃 Even though I was told I could leave work to vote, I never would have made it home and back in a reasonable amount of time on my break. It was only myself and one other employee closing and we weren't allowed to be alone so I couldn't leave early.

Thought there was no chance in hell Trump would win so I didn't end up voting. Biggest regret. I have not and will not ever miss another election.


t1_ivhtcq1 wrote

It's not just "watching election returns." What if the news shows early voting numbers and says one party is up significantly and you were planning on going out to vote tomorrow.

Are you still going to vote if you're the opposing party? It seems hopeless for your candidate to win now, so why bother?

I'm fine with counting mail-in ballots early as long as the results are kept secure until close of polls - no leaks.


t1_ivhrfll wrote

If someone wasn't going to vote already they aren't going to change their mind day of.
