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Gill03 t1_iwds9va wrote

Unions have a purpose. A+B=C

Crazy how I figured that out though huh? Almost like I know what I am talking about.


arguchik t1_iwe5rqf wrote

Never said you didn’t. That was what you said about me, remember?


Gill03 t1_iwe6x9h wrote

I still don't believe you do and you have done nothing to show me otherwise.

I guessed you are into marxism based off your citing Lacan and your blatant belief in revolutionary activism, when Marxism failed the same way you guys always do. One not having a real plan, and two, thinking people are just going to agree with rhetoric blindly. It's why communists had to kill millions of people and people deliberately eat more meat and buy gas guzzlers to piss you off.

Collective utopianism is a failed ideology, it doesn't work. Radicalism creates reactionaries.

If you disagree with any of this go find any video on here with activists "putting pressure" on random people and find me one where people are supporting their actions. More importantly, find one where there was a successful outcome.


arguchik t1_iwer2fz wrote

I think I have the measure of you. There’s no point in talking further.


Gill03 t1_iwersxb wrote

mmmm authoritarianism. I didn't have to figure you out, remember that and I can safely assume whatever you think is wrong. I don't fit in boxes, by design.