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t1_j1lxzvo wrote

Not sure if this is what you are looking for, but a lot of young adults aging out of foster care experience homelessness and locally, Auberle has a lot of programs to support this. Below is one program, that would allow you to volunteer as a host home for a young person experiencing homelessness. Additionally- is a huge reason to share with anyone who has needs. It is an excellent resource.

Host Homes

The Auberle Host Homes program can provide short-term (6 months) housing stabilization support and case management to young adults ages 18-24 who are residing with an extended family member, friend/friend’s family, or other non-parent/non-grandparent support as an alternative to entering shelter. In some instances, Auberle may be able to match a young person in need of short-term housing with a community volunteer who is willing to host them. This program can also serve qualifying youth with children.


If you are interested in becoming a Host Home, please contact Madeline McGrady at 412-522-0105 or


For more information or to be referred to either program, please contact Allegheny Link at 1-866-730-2368 and inquire about Auberle HOPE or Host Homes.


OP t1_j1mod5a wrote

This guy happened to be older but I’ll definitely be noting these resources for future reference! Thank you.