Submitted by DeleteSystem33 t3_zuxfgk in pittsburgh

Last night I had a fight with my wife when my relief didn't show up at work and I was calling her to tell her I was going to offer to work a double so my boss wouldn't have to find someone on Christmas Eve and ruin 3-4 people's nights rearranging shifts (I work security, so he likely would have had one extra warm body at best - end of the story I was right, he barely had coverage, buuut...) when I was going to be working Christmas day anyhow, and he'd have an easier time finding someone 12+ hours out than right meow, it'd save me a commute, etc.

Anyhow, this is an ongoing issue with that coworker, and she got mad, told me to just tell him I quit and that she'll pay all my bills until I find a less... unstable company to work for. Whatever, it's just my weekend gig that pays for all my hobbies, she makes like 3x what I do so it's not an empty promise, all will work out in the end even if I feel like garbage inconveniencing someone, especially a boss who treated me so well these last couple years.

Fast forward to 5AM, when I wouldn't have been home if I stayed at work and my wife would have been dead out for another few hours, and I wake up from a light doze in my computer chair, having stayed up late playing games, and I hear water. A pipe burst in the kitchen ceiling. My wife would have taken hours to notice it, but given when I dozed off, the amount of water spatter and waterlogging of cloth and paper items in the kitchen, I may have caught it within 10-15 minutes of it happening, no more than a half hour by my guess.

I don't know if there's a moral to the story, or a point, or even if it's Pittsburgh relevant other than the cold snap we just had, I just need to grumble about my troubles. Merry Christmas, don't be afraid to make a change I guess?



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dementedturnip26 t1_j1m7k0p wrote

Glad it worked out…but in general I hate employers like this. Not your responsibility to cover for their lack of proper staffing


Jorsonner t1_j1mcr85 wrote

Yeah my employer couldn’t find enough people to work Saturday morning the 24th so they just closed. They didn’t force anyone to work


audreyflourishes t1_j1o1ukb wrote

As a small business owner, I wholeheartedly agree. If my team can’t cover for each other and I’m not available to step in, the business closes. It’s that simple.


Willow-girl t1_j1oo7q3 wrote

Yes. Many times we have been short-staffed and the boss has scrambled to find someone to do the work or asked the rest of us to pick up the slack, but never once have I seen him stay late or do any extra work himself.


Confident_End_3848 t1_j1m6ns6 wrote

It sounds like your coworker was the one doing the inconveniencing. I hope things work out so there isn’t family discord.


Amrun90 t1_j1m1k3j wrote

You vastly improved your family’s Christmas in a couple ways. Good for you.


miurne t1_j1mjkvc wrote

Good for you, bud. Proud of you for putting your family before a job that doesn't give a shit about you and would replace you with a robot the very instant it could.


Aphrodisiatic922 t1_j1m5hqf wrote

Happy wife, happy life!


PGHNeil t1_j1ntvy2 wrote

Hehe - for now. I’m sure the late night video gaming sessions and no income will get old though. I think what she was looking for was more attention from her husband.

FWIW I get it. My wife also makes much more than I did and i still do the whole at home thing. Like you being home to act when the pipes burst, I like to think that I’ve saved us a lot of money with regards to home improvements and repairs. I do all the painting. I redid the drywall in a bedroom. I renovated both full bathrooms in our home - one at a time of course - including tile, toilets and vanities. I also did a bunch of work outside of the house - like doing the grass, landscaping and cutting down trees. The alternative was getting screwed by contractors who start a job but work on their own schedules or nickel and dime you on up charges.


Ok_Plane6153 t1_j1mgiux wrote

We also had a pipe burst and wouldn’t have been home to turn the water off within 2 minutes of hearing it if it wasn’t for a family feud. It would have gushed water for at least 4 hours and probably till the next day before it would be noticed had we not heard it due to its location.


kimbecile t1_j1mdl5u wrote

Glad you caught it! Merry Christmas


MoDeRnDaYmOrOn t1_j1m4gge wrote

Always kinda funny when the tough guy tucks tail and deletes.


Zenith2017 t1_j1q6j41 wrote

Screw that company good on ya


ISoNoU t1_j1nzhxw wrote

Jobs are for losers. Glad you won this one.


[deleted] t1_j1m0dxw wrote



MaybeADumbass t1_j1m2j0m wrote

When you're sitting there all alone and feeling bad about it this holiday season, know that this sort of nonsense is why. People don't like you because you act like an asshole; there is no other reason besides that.