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dehehn t1_j0m1khn wrote

How so? Have you lived somewhere else you think is a big improvement?


AntiqueDistance5652 t1_j0m32p3 wrote

Yes. Southern California (specifically Irvine, and Escondido) are tremendously better. The short stint I stayed in Ft. Lauderdale, FL was not equally better but nonetheless far and away blows Pittsburgh out of the water for quality of life.


dehehn t1_j0mbby1 wrote

Well I appreciate that you have a point of comparison. Most people bitching on here don't seem to. Sounds like you just need to move somewhere warm.

You still haven't said what you think sucks about Pittsburgh. Other than a vague "quality of life".


AntiqueDistance5652 t1_j0mhiri wrote

Poor infrastructure, lack of good public education for school age children, poor air quality, terrible weather and very poor sun proliferation, high amount of seasonal affective disorder, poor access to year-round outdoor activities, poor access to mental health resources (WPIC is horrible), high amount of problem drinking possibly due to the aforementioned, lack of good entertainment (few major artists come here, when they do they go to Burgettstown which is incredibly far away), poor public transit, badly located airport that isn't well connected to commerce areas, poor choices for international destinations out of PIT, low salaries (makes purchasing power low when going on vacation), undiversified local economy, age demographic skewed towards old people, high food cost with local food monopolies a la Giant Eagle, lack of culture and arts, and the list goes on.


HarmonicOne t1_j0mps0e wrote

This screams of "I make So-Cal money, I want a warmer climate, more culture, and better infrastructure" and if so I have to ask, why are you here? Not trying to be mean, but it sounds like Pittsburgh and all the trappings that come with it are just not your scene. Which by the way is completely fine, but to fix all the problems you listed generally requires living somewhere that costs substantially more than Pittsburgh (see: So-Cal).


AntiqueDistance5652 t1_j0nxk5j wrote

I'm here because I got married, and still waiting for our new house to finish construction.

I have a question though, why do you get so defensive about valid points getting made about what could be improved here? Yeah you can't fix the weather but there is no reason for the constant pollution we're bathed in, there's no excuse for the crumbling infrastructure, and there's no excuse for the piss-poor public education within certain parts of the city limits. There's also no reason for the remnants of racial redlining to persist this much for this long.


HarmonicOne t1_j0of0lm wrote

It's not that I have any gripes about what you're asking to have improved, in fact I think every damn person in this subreddit would agree with nearly everything you said. It's the absolutely entitled out of towner nature that permeates all of your comments that I take issue with. Also, if you have the money to build your own house from scratch I'm clearly not completely off base with my "So-Cal money" comment. Good for you and your ability to look down on all of us from on high, it must be nice. We all want improvement in our city, but people like you trivializing the struggles and making it sound like we should be soooo much farther along than we are now, as if so many other American cities don't currently struggle with the same things, is aggrivating to put it lightly. Please, enjoy your McMansion wherever it is you built it, and go away.