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chrisfyb t1_j1a2caf wrote

Yes. Almost exactly a year ago.


arguchik t1_j1ab3dz wrote

Late January.

Edit: I know because it happened about 2 weeks after I moved into my current place.


Big_League227 t1_j1ba006 wrote

January 28th... I know because I had a dentist appointment at 7am on Forbes. I normally would have been taking that bridge up Forbes from S. Braddock, but because of the snow, I stayed on the Parkway. Instead of getting off at Edgewood/Swissvale, I took the parkway to the Squirrel Hill exit instead. I arrived early for my appointment, and while waiting in the parking lot, started seeing tons of cop cars and ambulances heading down Forbes. Heard about it when I was in the dentist's chair. I would have been going over it about when it collapsed if it wasn't for the snow that morning. I still get a little chill down my spine thinking about it.


psychopompandparade t1_j1bxha7 wrote

I absolutely still get chills thinking about how bad that collapse could have been had it been a different day or a different time. i'm not one to call things miracles but this feels damn close


arguchik t1_j1c61ni wrote

Yeah, it had far to fall. And a BUS, my god.


psychopompandparade t1_j1ca4xb wrote

yeah for that bus the difference was seconds. If there hadn't been a snow delay called, there may have been school buses and way more commuters. if it had happened a few hours later, the bridge would have been full. If it had happened on a different day in the afternoon, you could have a crushed after school running club underneath as well.

I have heard several different stories like the one above, people who are usually there or would have been there at that time of day, and didn't on a whim, or because of the snow, or because they were being lazy.

It's truly remarkable no one was killed. The couple in the car that were pulled to safety had some gnarly injuries, but this could have been dozens dead, easily.


arguchik t1_j1bn6uz wrote

Woooooooowwwwww. I'm getting a little chill down my spine now too.


Betterdaysalwayscome t1_j1a7gby wrote

Damn, that was pretty quick! My friend at the time almost went over that bridge on her commute to work. She called me evidently upset, when I googled it, I then understood exactly why lol


chrisfyb t1_j1anfsm wrote

I drove over it within the hour of collapse haha. I work near Bakery Square, got to work, got on Reddit and saw that. Had to Google the name Fern Hollow though. 😂


Betterdaysalwayscome t1_j1awgku wrote

I’m not even from the area, I’m from Jersey but had a friend in the area. She called me nearly hysterical. I thought it was a small overpass that collapsed. After I got off the phone I went “holy shit” at the pic I googled lol. Thankfully I didn’t know what it looked like while on the phone with her or I probably would’ve been just as much of a nervous wreck.