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Evening_Attention_45 t1_j0r7z0k wrote

Gotta love Pittsburgh. A depressed person really depressed hoping to get help by asking for a recommendation for a therapist trained in effectively treating depression and they get downvoted.

There is such a lack of humanity and compassion on this subreddit that's very troubling as a depressed person. It completely reinforces the depressed persons feelings of loneliness. It's literally the exact proof that says "see, you're never going to get support or compassion. There's just no point in even trying."

Thank you Pittsburgh for proving that the voice of Depressions is actually right.


Amrun90 t1_j0rhqmv wrote

I mean, they gave you a source for a clinic that specializes in treating treatment resistant depression. That’s a good resource, likely full of therapists and practitioners trained in effectively treating depression.

Downvotes are an algorithm and not even all real people. This is definitely your depression talking.

I hope you find the help you need.


Evening_Attention_45 t1_j0rj9z8 wrote

It was frustrating that the first instinct someone had was to say you’re beyond what a therapist can help with. Depression is like the #1 thing people go to therapy for. I was expecting to get recommendations for good therapists, not that I needed to go to some special place. It seems like there must be people in Pittsburgh with depression who have a therapist who has helped them with their depression.


timesuck t1_j0romcp wrote

Ok, you said you had been searching for an answer for 20 years and you said yourself that you’ve had a string of therapists who haven’t helped. So you’re what, just looking for more recommendations for people who will fail you? You didn’t come here being like I’m new to therapy and am looking for a good therapist.

That clinic could be a solution. It’s not a judgment. And that clinic is full of. . .wait for it. . .therapists! They may refer you to a specific therapist or suggest an approach that could help you.

It’s frustrating that your first instinct is that you can try the same thing over and over again and expect different results. There isn’t one magic person out there who is necessarily going to make you better, it might take a multifaceted approach. I don’t know why you’d close yourself off to help that might—what’s the word I’m looking for here—oh yeah, help.


Amrun90 t1_j0rtbvd wrote

Yes, I’m sure, but everyone’s depression is different.

Suggesting a specialized clinic doesn’t mean anything bad. It is a clinic designed for your specific problem that most places don’t have but we are lucky enough to have due to proximity to large medical centers.

I would try a CBT based practitioner, if you haven’t, and work on thought distortions. Good luck!