Dancing2Days t1_iznwl9m wrote
I live in my brother-in-law’s former house, next to my husband’s grandmother, where we have Sunday dinners of stuffed cabbage and pierogis, and everyone has the same hairstyle that we did thirty years ago. There may or may not be signed Penguins memorabilia adorning the dining room.
fleetiebelle t1_izp4f0i wrote
We've never left Pittsburgh outside of our annual vacation to Myrtle Beach.
Dancing2Days t1_izpaxl3 wrote
This is the funniest one I’ve read so far!
icestormsurfing t1_izo6tfb wrote
I once worked with a guy who lived on the same block that he grew up on and that his wife grew up on and both families still all lived there.
Dancing2Days t1_izodtnr wrote
My anecdote is totally autobiographical. Very common situation in North Versailles. 😂
tybonedachef t1_izqu5ys wrote
You win with stuffed cabbage
ohiwen t1_izsx6t7 wrote
There def is sports memorabilia in the dining room and dare I say some kind of Pittsburgh sports commemorative glass set or decorative plates? (Not ever to actually use tho!)
Bonus Yinz points if they involve the 1970s era Steelers.
Dancing2Days t1_izt18my wrote
Oh absolutely! Photograph of the Immaculate Reception beside a shrine to the Virgin Mary.
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