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ballsonthewall t1_j1sivvi wrote

It's a bunch of entitled fucks not from the city


Frosty_Mycologist_53 t1_j1szesn wrote

To be fair, the strip probably would not survive with out them.

That said, gtfo Penn ave if you can’t confidently parallel park every time. Find a garage. The one above that duck pin bowling whatever place always has spots on the roof and it’s like $3.


susinpgh t1_j1ul1g9 wrote

I doubt it. I have (reluctantly) had to go to the Strip on the weekends. Store absolutely packed with people, no one in the check out line. I usually go weekly on Wednesdays, it's much saner.


Tricky_Suit7619 t1_j1tfp2g wrote

of course he's driving a truck. He's a moron


WoodpeckerFar9804 t1_j1u6z20 wrote

I have found that no matter where in the country I’ve lived, men who drive white trucks seem to be the worst society has to offer. It’s not my opinion, it’s seriously experiences I’ve had or witnessed. So bizarre. Surely there are kind people in white trucks! But alas, I have little hope.


CARLEtheCamry t1_j1wafse wrote

I'm not from the city, and usually defend the blame game on "suburburbanites from Cranberry with their McMansions and pickup trucks" but 100% this jag is from the suburbs, and and entitled needle-dick.