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da_london_09 t1_j2mig6p wrote

After the death of Christina Spicuzza, I can completely understand why drivers and delivery people won't go to certain spots. The BS "pay" from Gig companies isn't worth it.


1MagnificentMagnolia t1_j2mn3db wrote

It's wrong that all these companies won't allow drivers in their own vehicles to carry firearms for defense. I'm not saying it would have helped Christina, maybe it would have maybe not. But driver safety and security needs to be prioritized and the way to do that is to let drivers choose what that looks like for them.


chad4359 t1_j2mv2og wrote

I carried every single day I drove for these gig companies.


1MagnificentMagnolia t1_j2mvbf2 wrote

Thankfully you never had to take it out, I assume... or they would have dropped you.


UnaffiliatedOpinion t1_j2ne31q wrote

Better to be dropped by the delivery service than to be "dropped" by some bad actor...


GargantuanWitch t1_j2o0nev wrote

No one should EVER "thank" a gig company like Uber. There are far worse things that can happen other than being "fired" by a company that doesn't give a shit about you.


Dapper_Target1504 t1_j2n0k1z wrote

The company won’t know till you use it to defend yourself or are stupid enough to show a customer


newcitynewme724 t1_j2pannv wrote

I mean how are they actually enforcing that? And how does that trump your rights?


1MagnificentMagnolia t1_j2pc9pe wrote

If it's found out that a driver is carrying on the job, they will let them go. Let's say the driver is just sloppy at concealing it and a gunphobic passenger happens to catch a glimpse of it and reports the driver or worse is triggered by it and says they were threatened by the driver when they weren't. The company will let the driver go because drivers having guns is against their ToS. It's not unfathomable, and while it should be a clear cut court case ruling in favor of the driver's 2A rights their policies unfortunately has been allowed to fly.


newcitynewme724 t1_j2pe67c wrote

So you're sloppy about concealing your concealment that's on you. That's the whole point of a CC