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Hoppiness83 t1_j69g0x1 wrote

I'll be drinking beer and watching sports at the local watering hole.


chad4359 t1_j69ixeb wrote

I'll be doing the same at home


Hoppiness83 t1_j69k18m wrote

One of the great things about GenX is that protesting wasn't our thing. Boomers loved protests. Millennials and GenZ love to protest. Us? Meh.


69FunnyNumberGuy420 t1_j69kovx wrote

If you were born in 1983, you're a Millennial. Grats.


Hoppiness83 t1_j69l806 wrote

Lol, nope.


Glum_Review1357 t1_j69lng3 wrote

Fun fact you don't decide how generations get gapped


Hoppiness83 t1_j69mmj8 wrote

It all comes down to not giving a fuck. I don't care what others think of me. I do my own thing my way. Most Gen Xers don't give a fuck and that's what we're known for, not giving a fuck what others think of us.


aboutsider t1_j6clqhj wrote

Yeah, Gen X doesn't protest. They just take shit and bitch about it from the comfort of their home.


Hoppiness83 t1_j6crc33 wrote

Nah, we just say fuck it and live our lives. No need to bitch about anything. If that's your parents, it sucks to be you.

Take shit? From no one!


aboutsider t1_j6cye6m wrote

Haha, this is so confusing! So you don't take no shit but you also don't protest but you also just say "fuck it" but you also don't complain? Why is it so great to not protest and not bitch? Does that mean that gen x agreed with the status quo, that they just quietly took whatever shit was handed to them? And, if they didn't take that shit that was handed to them then how can you say they didn't protest? What exactly are you saying "fuck it" to? If I look at videos or pictures of protests from the last few decades, you're saying I won't see any gen xers?

Oh, and you definitely shouldn't make the mistake of thinking that gen xers don't ever bitch. I see it any time the divide between millennials and boomers is brought up-- always a bunch of angsty complaints about how everyone forgets about them even though they're sooo much better than all the other generations.


Hoppiness83 t1_j6d156t wrote

Every group has outliers. If you take the time to read them, it's the same small group of complainers. Some people aren't happy unless their unhappy about something.


aboutsider t1_j6hol5c wrote

And some people refuse to believe that they could be a part of a group that engages in behavior they don't agree with or like so they make vague, generic arguments that don't actually address any specific points....


InevitablePersimmon6 t1_j6bwi74 wrote

Iā€™m a millennial and I do not love to protest. Anything with huge crowds like that just makes me afraid that something bad is gonna happen. Iā€™m terrified of guns. So I stay away. Happy to donate to worthy causes though!


PurplePigeon96 t1_j6fakwu wrote

That sounds smart in this day and age. I tell my college age kids to avoid large gatherings because there's too many nuts cases wanting to run them over or shoot them. It's smart just donate online.


handleytwynham t1_j6agx7l wrote

Which local Pittsburgh watering hole do you recommend?
