aboutsider t1_jdv6mok wrote
From what I understand, any nuisance like this is actionable. Call 311
aboutsider t1_jdcung5 wrote
Reply to comment by GelatinousPiss in We need urban food forests in Pittsburgh by fadedrosebud
How do you know?
aboutsider t1_jbnzblj wrote
Reply to comment by YellowBridgeMix in hi! i just moved here from buffalo and trying to make friends and meet people :) i do photography, art, and work at a thrift store so can definitely help you score on good deals by Fragilepetals
So, you don't really know what it is...
aboutsider t1_jbnz92i wrote
Reply to hi! i just moved here from buffalo and trying to make friends and meet people :) i do photography, art, and work at a thrift store so can definitely help you score on good deals by Fragilepetals
I'm definitely down for some thrifting and art! There's a bunch of estate sales this weekend too, if that's something you're into.
aboutsider t1_j9jmwps wrote
Reply to comment by GargantuanWitch in hello fellow cat lovers by 412beekeeper
You don't know that the cat is feral. Stop making assumptions.
aboutsider t1_j9jmbyi wrote
Reply to comment by GargantuanWitch in hello fellow cat lovers by 412beekeeper
I haven't found that this is necessarily true. I adopted a kitty that had been living with a feral colony. The first few weeks we never even saw her but when she realized it was safe, she would come out. She still hid out at night for months. Almost six years on and she's a total lap cat! She sleeps with us, she follows me around the house like a little shadow, she even sleeps with and plays with her cat roommate. Every once in a while, she'll still hide out somewhere for several hours. And, when I find her, she doesn't display any fear. She doesn't avoid my touch, growl, or hiss. She purrs and leans into my pets. It seems like she's just found a quiet, private place for a snooze. I think some kitties who've had a hard life outside just get used to sleeping somewhere private and safe. Jumping to the conclusion that she should be tossed back outside seems rash.
aboutsider t1_j8hp12o wrote
Reply to comment by Open_Philosopher8020 in Mushroom foraging by Caden_Smith324-
It is.
aboutsider t1_j8cyqa6 wrote
Reply to comment by dpawaters in Top social clubs in PGH? by Queer-Bandit
I second this!
aboutsider t1_j83lnv7 wrote
Reply to Town Talk Bread aka Yinzer Nostalgia by TremorChristPJ
I can almost feel this picture sticking to my teeth.
aboutsider t1_j76igei wrote
Reply to comment by tzeriel in A (now former) Mad Mex Oakland employee weighs in by VacantLot412
Hahaha, that's such obvious bullshit.
aboutsider t1_j76ienb wrote
Reply to comment by Paranoidexboyfriend in A (now former) Mad Mex Oakland employee weighs in by VacantLot412
So, you think Chili's is comparable to Mad Mex? A local chain that's been in that location for decades is comparable to an international chain that plops itself down in whatever shiny new development it can?
aboutsider t1_j6hopam wrote
Reply to comment by JR_Shoegazer in For Those of you blowing through bus stop signs while they are picking up kids! by Character-Vast-8601
So, you think I'm the typical user? And what exactly does the frequency of my usage have to do with what kind of driver I am? That doesn't make sense. Period.
aboutsider t1_j6hol5c wrote
Reply to comment by Hoppiness83 in Any protests/demonstrations planned? by [deleted]
And some people refuse to believe that they could be a part of a group that engages in behavior they don't agree with or like so they make vague, generic arguments that don't actually address any specific points....
aboutsider t1_j6ho8cw wrote
Reply to comment by YeahIveDoneThat in Damn, KDKA by montani
A single counter example-- Kat Von D. She's a famous tattoo artist with a cluster of small stars tattooed on her face.
Another counter example-- I knew a guy who got teardrop tattoos on his face and he's just a dude who likes shitty tattoos. He's an artist and ne'er-do-well but really doesn't have any designs on being a gangster.
You know, you're able to make inferences based on bias too. How do you know that this isn't one of them?
aboutsider t1_j6hnerp wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Do yinz use security cameras? by jgreene1423
Hahaha! Butterfly
aboutsider t1_j6hn2r8 wrote
Reply to comment by Sankara_Connolly2020 in School students in Sq Hill by soparklion
I never said fatherlessness isn't a serious issue. I'm saying that you have yet to prove that it's an issue in the black community. You're taking statistics about marriage and living situation and conflating that with parental involvement. Just because two people aren't married or living together, doesn't mean that both parents aren't involved. Why do you keep making that assumption? Do you have any statistics that prove that black children are "fatherless" at a higher rate than white children?
I'm not really sure what point you're trying to make about class? You said that most leftist rhetoric isn't working class. Ok, that's not my experience. Just because you're only listening to the loudest, richest, and most influential voices, doesn't mean that lots of leftists aren't discussing real world solutions that actually make sense for them as the working class. You've been trying to push this rigid definition of leftists but at every turn you seem to move the goal posts. So, are leftists out of touch with the working class or are they actually more likely to be working class while the minority of leftists are out of touch richies?
Hahaha, yes, dude. I, as an anti-authority, queer, disabled atheist woman who comes from a family of criminals living in a dying rust belt town, know nothing of being considered a heretic!
Can you not see that this is a deflection that kinda totally proves my point? I point out that you're more concerned with confronting leftists about appearances than confronting racists about their racism and you ask me how you think I appear as a leftist confronting racism? Um, I'm not too concerned with appearances, to be honest. I don't really care if people think I'm virtue signaling or scolding or whatever. I'm not in control of what other people think. I'm in control of what I do and say. And, I do and say based on what I believe is right. If you, like others, choose to focus on how offended you are because someone said that your behavior or words could be construed as racist rather than doing the hard work that comes with examining those claims then that's on you.
Hahaha, ok, which political party that's winning, doesn't take the moral high ground, doesn't scold, doesn't virtue signal?
No, I absolutely do not think that union heads were chastising workers for their social prejudices. Know why? Because it's pretty well known that the early unions were extremely racist and discriminatory. They didn't bring together a diverse group of working class men". In fact, you'd be amazed at how many unions were started because of or motivated by the threat of cheap black labor or simply integration. It's believed that black wealth has fallen so far behind in large part because of the discrimination and exclusion of black people in unions for decades. That bigotry was never overcome. Instead it was institutionalized. So, yeah, the union was successful... at improving the status of lots of white folks at the expense of black folks. Are you sure that this is the model that you'd like to follow?
aboutsider t1_j6cye6m wrote
Reply to comment by Hoppiness83 in Any protests/demonstrations planned? by [deleted]
Haha, this is so confusing! So you don't take no shit but you also don't protest but you also just say "fuck it" but you also don't complain? Why is it so great to not protest and not bitch? Does that mean that gen x agreed with the status quo, that they just quietly took whatever shit was handed to them? And, if they didn't take that shit that was handed to them then how can you say they didn't protest? What exactly are you saying "fuck it" to? If I look at videos or pictures of protests from the last few decades, you're saying I won't see any gen xers?
Oh, and you definitely shouldn't make the mistake of thinking that gen xers don't ever bitch. I see it any time the divide between millennials and boomers is brought up-- always a bunch of angsty complaints about how everyone forgets about them even though they're sooo much better than all the other generations.
aboutsider t1_j6cqcuo wrote
Reply to comment by YeahIveDoneThat in Damn, KDKA by montani
How do you know he wants to be a gangster?
aboutsider t1_j6cpx9r wrote
Reply to comment by jsebby in Men gathered around sign reading “Police.. We need your protection... not your harassment, Garfield Teen Organization,” on Columbo Avenue, Garfield: April, 1968: photograph by charles "teenie" Harris. by Yinzerman1992
Wow! You're so cool and moral and sycophantic!
aboutsider t1_j6cpw15 wrote
Reply to comment by ryumast3r in Men gathered around sign reading “Police.. We need your protection... not your harassment, Garfield Teen Organization,” on Columbo Avenue, Garfield: April, 1968: photograph by charles "teenie" Harris. by Yinzerman1992
Maybe there's a problem with his apostrophe key?
aboutsider t1_j6cpudy wrote
Reply to comment by anonymouspoliticker in Men gathered around sign reading “Police.. We need your protection... not your harassment, Garfield Teen Organization,” on Columbo Avenue, Garfield: April, 1968: photograph by charles "teenie" Harris. by Yinzerman1992
Can you prove that statistically?
aboutsider t1_j6cpspg wrote
Reply to comment by jsebby in Men gathered around sign reading “Police.. We need your protection... not your harassment, Garfield Teen Organization,” on Columbo Avenue, Garfield: April, 1968: photograph by charles "teenie" Harris. by Yinzerman1992
Hahaha, of course you commit crimes! But if you think that police only hurt criminals then you are stupid.
aboutsider t1_j6cojpz wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Infrastructure and Amenity Dreams by MWBartko
You think they'd only put bike lanes on hilly roads when it's icy?
aboutsider t1_j6cnh9w wrote
Reply to comment by [deleted] in Do yinz use security cameras? by jgreene1423
The choice is either watch my stuff be stolen or have to physically fend off a violent invader? Hmm, no other options?
aboutsider t1_jdvk1rf wrote
Reply to comment by ChefGuru in Loud ventilation exhaust from restaurant - what can I do? by Playful_Statement_71
So, you think a whole ass airport is equivalent to a single piece of equipment for a single restaurant? Or, are you just here to tear down other people's suggestions while offering none of your own?