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t1_j5tbkyh wrote

Yeah I’m not sure why you were downvoted for that. I’ve lived here 28 years and although there are anomalies (I see you 2010), the area has gotten noticeably less snow every year. Also later first snow falls, too.


t1_j5tdwwz wrote

The average snowfall for a season here is 45 inches. We just had 55 inches of snow in the winter of 2020-21 and 45 inches of snow last winter, so that's just not true.


t1_j5tirq0 wrote

I’ll have to look through the data. My observed history tells me different, but perhaps that’s my own bias showing!


t1_j5tgex4 wrote

Going back more than three years tells a different story…


t1_j5thnh5 wrote

It really doesn't. That link you provided shows plenty of winters under 30 inches for a season throughout the years. The average is 44 inches so that means half of winters should have more than that, and about half of them should have less of that.


t1_j5tiltb wrote

Climate change may not mean less snow for us. We could get bigger storms, including bigger snow storms. The jet stream could become more unstable and provide us with more arctic blasts.

While temps globally are going up, it means that weather itself becomes more unstable.