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gameplayuh t1_j7s64be wrote

Reply to comment by springwaterh20 in 18+ night clubs by antoniod111

The idea that straight people have a right to queer space is a bastardization of inclusivity


springwaterh20 t1_j7sdcvj wrote

the idea that queer people have a right to straight space is a bastardization of inclusivity

see how when I flip the sentence it screams discrimination? it goes both ways.

your bigotry is showing sweetie


gameplayuh t1_j7sfyf4 wrote

No because 1)queers have never oppressed heteros and 2) all "neutral" spaces are always already straight. Inclusivity is about including those who have been excluded... Which again has never been the case for straight people. Not saying there should be an official policy or anything but I do think it makes sense to respect queer spaces. Do you also think that white people should feel entitled to join a college's black student support group? I'm not saying they shouldn't be allowed to but I think you'd be a shitty white person if you did.


springwaterh20 t1_j7shoy6 wrote

there’s enough hatred and discrimination in this world, spread some love my man <3


gameplayuh t1_j7si0r2 wrote

Saying that minority spaces should be respected isn't spreading hate. Those spaces exist in response to discrimination. You say you want to spread love and not hate but you've been obnoxious to me and called me names. Maybe follow your own advice.


springwaterh20 t1_j7sj7l3 wrote

I don’t know why im engaging in this with you, but hey, why not

what names have I called you? you said something clearly discriminatory (maybe you don’t see it? but it was) and I called you out (no name calling was done) you then sat there and typed up a novel, and proceeded to spew even more discrimination all while contradicting your own logic, very impressive if I must add

you have a lot of bottled up hatred in your heart, don’t take it out on me over the internet