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SnarkAnthony t1_j8u9ziw wrote

Years ago, I used to always park up at the top (Floor 3, Macy's side), so I didn't have to deal with mall people. But now floor 3 is almost always full.

You can cheat and just park at floor 2.5, but you still have to deal with driving round and round in that labyrinth of a parking garage (which keeps changing every few years).

Now I just park somewhere around P3 or Floor 1 (whichever will get me closest to the door), and then I'll just take the stairs right by the entrance doors all the way up. I find it the best way to avoid dealing with mall traffic. And afterwards, you avoid waiting in a long line to get out of the garage.


SnarkAnthony t1_j8uanvk wrote

It's probably worth pointing out that there is no direct route to the movie theater.

No matter where you park, you will have to walk through the food court (the most obnoxious part of the mall) and take the escalator up. Sorry.


iandavid t1_j8vfnpi wrote

When the mall first opened there was a service entrance to the food court from the top level of the garage on the Macy’s side. Too many people must’ve caught onto its existence, because it’s gone now.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_j8wvgzf wrote

i still remember the disappointment the first time i tried and it wasn't accessible.