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laterbacon t1_j9142rq wrote

If the infrastructure is good, people will use it. Sidewalk riding happens because there is no other safe option. A line of white paint and a glyph of a bicycle is not infrastructure.

Give me protected bike lanes that actually connect to each other and can get me places, and I'll give up riding on the sidewalk forever. Honestly I hate riding on the sidewalk and only do it as a last resort. Most of them around here are bumpy and uneven, and with all the driveways and other curb cuts it's never a pleasant ride. Riding in the road, where I am legally allowed to be, is the most comfortable from a physical perspective, but from a "all of these cars are going to kill me" perspective it's not great, so the sidewalk looks pretty appealing.


Human-Mechanic-3818 t1_j91rjck wrote

You aren’t supposed to ride on the sidewalk period. You are supposed to use the traffic lanes like a motor vehicle . If you aren’t confident enough to ride a bicycle in traffic and take the risk then you shouldn’t be biking as a transportation tool. Riding on a sidewalk is extremely dangerous and puts everyone at risk.


laterbacon t1_j922ct3 wrote

Driving a car is extremely dangerous and it puts everyone at risk. Try riding a bike in traffic sometime. It's not a risk for some people, it's their primary mode of transportation. Advocate for infrastructure that makes everyone safe or deal with bikes on the sidewalk sometimes. Maybe try to imagine how others live their lives not beholden to the automobile


Winter_Excuse_5564 t1_j92ximc wrote

Bro, you have got to effing chill out. Looking at your post history, and just yikes. You are obsessed with your bike riding thing. Like a lifestyle is one thing, but an obsession is another.


laterbacon t1_j92yrcy wrote

I'm the one who needs to chill says the person combing through a stranger's Reddit post history.

I'm not living a "lifestyle." It's literally my main method of transportation.