Submitted by BearsRpeopl2 t3_y0trdx in providence
Thank you
Submitted by BearsRpeopl2 t3_y0trdx in providence
Thank you
aftermarket brands that are decent: AP, Walker, Magnaflow. off brand but okish: davico -they are local. most private label cats are made by AP or walker.
I’ve replaced dozens of cats. Brand doesn’t matter. The warranty is what matters. All aftermarket cats are mediocre at best. But as long as the warranty will swap them out if they go bad then it doesn’t matter
What will they steal when cars are full electric? Probably the $21k battery.
Sorry to hear but what area of Providence was this stolen at?
There are some cats that have 0 pgm content. They just are loaded with cerium to trick o2 sensors. They last about 500 miles before the cerium is used up. You really don't want to have those replaced every few months.
I’ve put $40 amazon cats on cars with no issues at all, I’ve also had walker cats go bad within a month. Brand really makes no difference. Get a good warranty, and buy something that’s in the middle of the price range.
Just had mine stolen as well - I’m in the east side
Insurance claim?
They’re hitting the entire city. Just a few months ago there was a cat stolen from one Honda and then another Honda was stolen all together in front of my parents place in the west end.
Massive issue in the Bay Area where I’ve moved to (miss RI ❤️) and sorry that happened to you. Doesn’t help you now but for others reading just a heads up that comprehensive insurance (at least my plan thru Geico) covers catalytic converters under theft so instead of 3000 for an OEM cat I just had to pay the couple hundred deductible.
Yeah this is pretty common. Used to happen all the time when I lived in Denver too. They are after the precious metals inside it I think.
Your car is primed to be hit again since you’re getting a new converter and the thieves know it. Hide your car in a garage for a while or something if possible.
I've heard some bad arguments against electric vehicles. This one is Hall of Fame worthy.
They tend to prefer parking lots where they can hit a dozen vehicles at once. It’s been happening all over the city & surrounding towns, but apartment parking lots seem to be the biggest problem.
Between the deductible & higher rates, there’s a good chance it’s cheaper to just get it repaired out-of-pocket.
They also make “cat shields” for most vehicles. Like $200-300ish + installation. They basically weld a thick metal plate over the cat.
Not necessary for random people. But if you’ve been hit, or your neighborhood has problems & you’ve got a susceptible vehicle, then it’s cheaper than having to replace everything again and again.
Thank you everyone.
I'm off broadway near ogies
yeah im from concord east bay. it seems we switched places. yeah my partner and i didn't have the right insurance but now we do. so it just blows all around
Thank you
for sure in the Bay Area, and maybe Providence as well, a catalytic converter shield is a good investment too for concerned others (a couple hundred bucks makes it way, way harder to steal)
Replace it?
Get it fixed, then find a big mud puddle over which to park the car
legit_visualyimpared t1_irtumzs wrote
Have your cat replaced with a decent quality aftermarket cat and put a sign in your window that the car has an aftermarket cat. The aftermarket ones aren’t worth Jack shit. But the thieves are sometimes too dumb to identify aftermarkets and will sometimes steal them anyway. I do plenty of mechanic work in and near providence, if you PM me year/make/model and photos of where it was cut I can point you in the direction of the most cost effective way to put your car back on the road.