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Silentjosh37 t1_iup5img wrote

Love how all the people that are saying traffic isn't that bad over here, or that its only bad at x time obviously haven't spent that much time in the area, especially since the construction projects have ramped up lately. It is horrible, especially with the amount of people that have no clue how to drive in the city, and do not know how to share the road with pedestrians and cyclists. I avoid going that direction as much as possible.


an-eternal-hum t1_iup5v74 wrote

I have a business in the jewelry district and have to use this exit daily. It’s been an absolute nightmare for the past year, and this is going to ramp up congestion and conflict and make it far, far worse.

It’s not a huge, dramatic thing, but it’s going to seriously affect me and people like me on a daily basis. That’s worth mentioning.


Silentjosh37 t1_iup7syn wrote

Completely agree. I have lived here for 15 years. The traffic in that area has gotten significantly worse over the past few years, the first year or so of the pandemic reduced the traffic but it is back with a vengence. The endless construction has only made it worse. There are going to be so many accidents coming in and out of that lot and that is just gonna cause back ups all over the place, not to mention the increased vehicle traffic for the first year this location is open.

I keep reading that is gonna be for pedestrians and residents of the area but that will not be the case for the honeymoon phase of this store being here.

I am all for a trader Joes or an Aldis, or any option in the area, that specific spot is just not ideal, and I think a lot of the traffic studies were done during the pandemic, and before other changes were made to the traffic patterns in that area and are not inclusive of real usage.

Edited to add. - just looked at a traffic study done on 2/2021 and again on 5/2022 showed an increase of from 6000 vehicles a day to 8500. That wasn't the study that was done before zoning. Just a study.


FunLife64 t1_iuyrt45 wrote

Today at 5 pm there were 0 issues. Even with lanes blocked because of construction.