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Proof-Variation7005 t1_ivgx1u3 wrote

When the “mistake” is nearly a decade long pattern of malicious behavior, I think showing real contrition and an effort to atone for the behavior is the first prerequisite.

The reason pretty much everyone except you and Cam Neely have a “fuck this kid” viewpoint is because it’s pretty clear that contrition and remorse is in doubt.


fishythepete t1_ivhwc9x wrote

Imagine unironically using the phrase “a decade long pattern of malicious behavior” to refer to something that started when he was in first grade. Completely unhinged.


Proof-Variation7005 t1_ivhy73t wrote

Not as unhinged as defending and excusing someone physically and mentally torturing a developmentally disabled kid for years. That is not normal kid behavior. That’s sociopath shit.

I don’t even get what your angle is here? Are you just that sycophantic towards the team where you refuse to admit it’s fucked up after even they admitted it? Or do you feel personally oppressed because you “nobody lets you say the n word anymore” or some shit.

Nothing about this pattern of abhorrent behavior was normal “boys will be boys” shit.


sandsonik t1_ivjiqwh wrote

Imagine behaving like that for TEN years, and only stopping because you were criminally convicted. Completely unhinged. It's not a one-off stupid kid thing, anymore than Dahmer torturing animals was. It's a personality trait.