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OP t1_ivwg3qj wrote

Reply to comment by in Thirsty Thursday by

Bar scene on Thursday nights - I just moved here from penn state, I’m lowkey used to a big bar scene Thursday-Saturday


t1_ivzv3zi wrote

Are you down for... -Messed Up Monday -Tuesday Boozeday -Wasted Wednesday -Thirsty Thursday You know that we can have it all

But no. Say goodbye to Monkeyboys and Cafe Iced Tea and accept that Penn State is a magical place that can't be replicated. I feel like the main reason I'm mostly sober now is because it just doesn't compare to the good ol' days.

That being said, Camp Nowhere in North Prov has $3.50 drinks and food. Skip the $12 fishbowl, it's mostly ice.


t1_ivxjp8h wrote

RI has a very strong liquor lobby.

There are also a size-able number of people who have been lead to believe happy hour specials cause more drunk driving. This is just about the only other argument I’ve seen against bringing in happy hour specials.


t1_ivzj0r4 wrote

Nobody is talking about bar specials except you though?


t1_ivzjnel wrote

That’s because most other areas of the country have drink specials on Thursdays.


t1_ivzybjd wrote

"Thirsty thursdays" is just a nickname for drinking on a thursday. Hell, most of the people who use it are having a case of Busch Light in a dorm.


t1_ivzzt9z wrote

It’s clearly not, when it’s a marketing strategy used to get people out drinking more.

All you have to do is Google “thirsty Thursday drink specials” to see you’re wrong.


t1_iw00u1h wrote

I assure you that you will find more results with <Literally any day of the week> + "drink specials"

I'm sure plenty of bars use it as a marketing thing, because they're taking the college slang that every 18-22 year old has used and heard a billion times before they've even been to a bar.


t1_iw0k5dl wrote

Sure thing, Jan. That’s why it’s a term for drink specials. Just like Sunday Funday.


t1_iw0lwfk wrote

Why don't you look it up on urban dictionary, or just google it what it means and see pretty much everyone saying the exact same thing? Or just ask some people you know? The first documented commercial use was in the 80s for some random minor league team. Ask someone who went to college before then. Hell, my dad graduated PC in the 60s and he knew that shit.


>Just like Sunday Funday.

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but bars didn't invent that either. That was someone (possibly Susanna Hoffs) noticing Sun and Fun rhyme.

Oh, and it's "sure, Jan" - I'd be harsher about this cause you're snarkily trying to type a dismissive animated gif to me but at this point I'm just proud of you for not declaring that it was from the fucking partridge family too


t1_iw0myoc wrote

Calm down. I never said bars invented it. I was countering that it is not a term used by people holed up drinking busch beer in their dorms. Your words, not mine.

Edit: I said it’s a strategy to get people to drink more, and from your previous statement you again are agreeing with me. Thank you.