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Thac0 t1_iwryjc8 wrote

I knew the original owners of PVDonuts were opening a new place and have been excited for this. The Donut quality has gone down hill since it changed hands and well, Jew”ish” baked goods are more my jam anyway. Super stoked to cram my face with fresh baked goodness


Jumpy_Ring8409 t1_iws6api wrote

The original owners of PVDonuts are still the original owners…it has never “changed hands”


Thac0 t1_iwserw7 wrote

Ah, well I was misinformed, thanks. Someone told me that and I had also remembered the Reddit post about it so coupled with the experience of the donuts tasting less magical the last few times I’ve stopped by I assumed it was truth.


FunLife64 t1_iwsm4aw wrote

They’ve always been more “for show” and “let us plop something on top and call it a fancy name”.


Silentjosh37 t1_iwvdgra wrote

I agree with this completely. They were "better" a while ago but they were never as great as people seemed to think they were.


Low-Medical t1_iwvzz4r wrote

They've definitely never been worth lining up around the block for. Like...what are you doing with your lives, people?!


FunLife64 t1_iwwhzas wrote

The dumb thing about this is that it wasn’t a large number of people - their service was just slow AF. If you were 10th in line it would legit take 20 minutes to be helped. They finally have quasi embraced preorder so the line is less of a thing.


Silentjosh37 t1_iwwn5r0 wrote

This. Not to mention they create a huge mess around the shop. From the people that go there that don't know how to park/don't park in a crosswalk to the amount of garbage left around the shop itself as they refuse to provide a garbage can. When they do a donut/donut hole with one of those pipettes they are littered around up and down Wickenden and Ives. They also refuse to clear the sidewalks during snowstorms except for a small spot in front of their door.


Silentjosh37 t1_iwvdbbt wrote

Ownership is the same, but the quality is very much different. The quality has gone down, everything tastes greasy and just overloaded with too much sweetness. They are all about flash and less about the quality.

The whole reason they said they were running out/limited quantities in a day was to keep the quality up, this obviously has gone out the window. I see less and less people going there.

Knead is the way to go, this is just my opinion and your mileage may vary!