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jconti1233 t1_j1wi1fw wrote

The vast majority of Streets has side walks on both sides, car lanes on both sides and parking on both sides.

As a bicycler I know I'm in a minority, but minority rights are important. Being able to travel safely seems like a right, no?

It's just hard and frustrating that there is one discontinuous bike lane to get across town and to see the mayor go after them in his first 4 topics seems like the wrong direction for a brand new administration


hellionlord t1_j1wofjb wrote

Orrrrr it highlights how unpopular they are among most folks.


Locksmith-Pitiful OP t1_j1ww7t2 wrote

The general public doesn't always know what's best for them ffs... hence why we have experts for everything, and take a wild guess on what transportation and urban academics and engineers suggest. And fun fucking fact, if the public had 100% control, we wouldn't even have the fucking cars you seem to suck off to.

God damn, your arguments are poor and lack any sort of empathy. The person you replied to just wants to get to work fucking safely. I promise you, bike lanes aren't your fucking enemy dude


hellionlord t1_j1x1upy wrote

“The general public doesn’t always know what’s best for them” is a disturbing thing to say as well


Locksmith-Pitiful OP t1_j1x2m5a wrote

They don't. For fucks sake, the general public was against cars, gay marriage, evolution and other mainstream science being taught in schools, fuck... a good portion of the population still think fucking Trump is fucking president.

Do you have any idea on how progress is made? You consult and rely on the fucking experts, not the public, and not solely businesses which is what Smiley is doing. What the fuck is the point of science and experts if we don't listen to them?

Accessible infrastructure is supported by mountains of evidence and all urban and transit orgs. You don't need to listen to fucking Billy down the street who knows fuck all about it.


hellionlord t1_j1x4f33 wrote

I don’t know why you seem to believe there is a universally scientific consensus that the bike lanes in Providence are good as they are designed.


hellionlord t1_j1x4mnj wrote

Also, you seem like a lunatic. We are having a discussion about bike lanes and you bring up marriage equality and trump?


Dunder72 t1_j1z24ne wrote

Speaking of Trump, does he ride a bike?


hellionlord t1_j1x1h1h wrote

Please talk to a civil engineer about their thoughts on the new bike lanes. Unlike you, I actually have.


Locksmith-Pitiful OP t1_j1x1tuq wrote

The fact you think civil engineers solely have the hand in neighborhood building shows your ignorance -- in fact, civil engineers widely likely support this because it's what they're taught in schools because it's grounded in the fucking evidence. I've already went to meetings and talked to crowds of not just civil engineers, but everyone else involved.

Please consult an urban studies or transit academic journal. You're kind of behind on the times. Cars aren't the way forward anymore.


hellionlord t1_j1x669m wrote

Recommend me the people you have talked to, I’d love to talk to them.


Locksmith-Pitiful OP t1_j1x6oxd wrote

Come to the many meetings around transportation, accessible infrastructure, and urban planning in the city. These are often held by the city itself and elected officials from lawmakers to individual council members. Do let them know cars are the best way forward, perhaps if they have the patience, they'll explain to you why you're behind.


hellionlord t1_j1x91yx wrote

What meetings?


Locksmith-Pitiful OP t1_j1x9d4z wrote

I suggest you email your local council person, follow the Providence planning social media (there was an event just like this the other week starring a Lego artist), as well as look at the cities upcoming meeting agendas.