Submitted by ahappydementor t3_11elia7 in relationship_advice

This is going to sound petty and juvenile, trust me I am frustrated by it as well.

We are all 22F in this story. My best friend, Danny, and I have been extremely close since highschool. I was in the year ahead of her, so we didn’t share many friends, but we have been close friends for coming up on 7 years now. She is also friends with two other girls, Tarryn and Cara. I have made no bones that I dislike these two – Tarryn is incredibly flaky, insisting that because Danny has a better job that she has to pay for everything, and getting butthurt every time she isn’t invited to things (including things I organise, and like I said, we’re not friends.) Cara strikes me as a mean girl without the confidence. I only ever hear her true opinion of things second hand, and they’re often bitchy as all hell. This isn’t my style- if I think you’re a bitch I’ll usually tell you. With them, however, I’ve kept quiet about my opinion of them. This is because I’ve made my opinion clear to Danny, and she asked me not to cause drama. So I don’t- I’m nice to them to the point that Tarryn assumed I had a crush on her because I’m a lesbian. If someone asks me my opinion I won't lie, however, so I thought they knew.

Recently, however, it’s come out that I don’t like them. I think this is in response to Cara complaining about my sense of humour over a voice note Danny showed me, and I responded, “No great loss, I don’t like them either,” in front of several people. Apparently neither of them were aware I didn’t like them.

They decided to retaliate by ignoring me every time we’re in the same room. Danny loves hosting parties, so she has one every opportunity she can – games nights, friendsmas, Halloween etc. The first party since them finding out was Halloween last year. It was pretty small, ten people or less. I walked in and greeted everyone, and T+C ignored me. I thought maybe they hadn’t heard me, so tried to make conversation several times. Nothing. I was having a shit time mental-health wise, so I had a breakdown. Danny assured me she would do something about it. Ten days later, she hadn’t spoken to them about it at all. I almost cut ties with her, I was so upset. She’d seen how their behaviour affected me, and literally the next day posted a photo with them with the caption of “best friends are people who make the world better just by existing”. I confronted her about this, and other shitty behaviour on her end. We made up, and she promised me it would never happen again.

A couple months go past without us seeing each other, other than briefly seeing Tarryn when Danny house sat for my family (she ignored me while staying at MY HOME). Danny’s birthday party comes up, and she asks me to come. I say yes, but that I would be returning any energy they gave to me. (My plan was to ask them if they’d had a throat infection if they ignored me, or act as if they were deaf and start getting progressively louder and louder.) Danny BEGGED me not to, promised they wouldn’t as she’d spoken to them. They did. Blatantly. I think I got a single response from them the whole day (we went to a theme park, so it was a 7 hour thing), and it was to ask me where Danny was.

I’ve brought it up to Danny again, but she claims not to know what to do. I told Danny I wouldn't go to any more of her parties, and she sees this as unfair, as she didn't do anything. She's reluctant to uninvite them, as they're some of her closest friends. I think that she needs to make a choice- me or them. I don’t like ultimatums though, so I’d prefer to ask advice and see what more cool-headed people think.



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lucia-pacciola t1_jaeriq7 wrote

I mean being ignored by people you don't like, who don't like you, seems kind of ideal to me.

If you're not getting the energy you want or need from these events, just stop showing up to them.

If you want to spend time with Danny, invite her to events of your own, that you have planned and arranged for the friends you actually get good energy from.


itsameluigee t1_jaequjp wrote

Why are you punishing her? It's not her job to get people to like you.


ahappydementor OP t1_jaerc9d wrote

Danny is a woman. I specify that fairly often. I'm not saying she needs to force people to like me. I'm saying it's unfair to force me into situations that are so shitty for me, and not allow me to reciprocate, while letting them do whatever they want. I am aware that she can't control their behavior, so I'm asking for advice on how to make this situation less shitty for me.


itsameluigee t1_jaetcls wrote

You literally created this scenario by telling a bunch of people you don't like these 2.

Now you're surprised when they don't greet you warmly.

And now you want this friend to choose sides when she hasn't directly done anything to you besides be friends to be people you don't like.

Now tell me who's being unreasonable in this instance.


ahappydementor OP t1_jaeu3vv wrote

It was two people. I thought Tarryn and Cara were aware I didn't like them. I was responding to Cara saying, completely without prompting, that I was an awful person with an awful sense of humor, and made a joke out of it because I was trying to make it less awkward.

It was further than 'not greeting me warmly', it was ignoring me to the point several groups of people noticed, as I actively tried to include them in conversations and they acted as though I didn't exist. I have ALWAYS been civil to them. I expected civility in return. And I expected more out of a friend that I have supported through several incredibly hard situations. If you don't have advice, why are you on an advice forum?


itsameluigee t1_jaeum2c wrote

My advice is that you're part of the problem and you won't admit it.

When you do maybe you'll improve your situation.


callmeishmael517 t1_jaerh7h wrote

It doesn’t sound to me like Danny is being a very good friend. A good friend wouldn’t be friends with someone who ices someone else out or who says negative things constantly about other people.

If I needed to continue in this friend group, I would definitely never invite them to anything at my own house and stop attending anything Danny hosts.


itsameluigee t1_jaetwn2 wrote

Technically OP says negative things about these 2. How's that any different?