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throwrajnbg OP t1_jadd63h wrote

I don't think that's what the conversation will be about--assuming if we stay together. More like finances and preparation rather than custody and child support. If we break up, sure, but for now I just want to tell him and see where his head is at. He's a lot more skilled at this adulting thing than I am, given that he's graduated years ago and has a good paying job, so hopefully his reaction will be a lot more better compared to a college student (me, last year)


WildlifePolicyChick t1_jadtw47 wrote

It doesn't matter if you stay together. Child support is child support.

And 'finances and preparation' IS 'custody and child support'. You are very young but come on OP.


throwrajnbg OP t1_jae1m7w wrote

Custody usually refers to a child living in separate homes when their parents are separated, you and I both know that. Child support usually refers to money given by a parent to another parent in order to support the child when the parents are not together, you also know that. Sure, finances and preparation means custody and child support, but you used terminology that is generally used for separated parents while I used terminology that is generally used for parents that are together. Regardless of what you meant, you phrased it in a way that the general public would assume that it be applied to separated parents.


code-sloth t1_jaerpcv wrote

You two are going to be separated parents. That's the point.