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HHIOTF t1_jegqgee wrote

Why would someone date you when they can screw you and leave? This isn't a relationship it's a situationship.

If you want a relationship move on and learn from your mistakes. You are worth more than that.


MoonchildEm96 OP t1_jegqtns wrote

He often stays for a few nights at a time and sometimes talks about “making it work” in regards to him possibly having to move away - but despite that I’m inclined to agree. He never wants to go out and do anything. Whether that’s walking the dog together, grabbing lunch in town, or anything of the sort.


HHIOTF t1_jegr6n5 wrote

words don't matter, actions do. People lie to get what they want out of you.


MoonchildEm96 OP t1_jegrc4r wrote

I forget how shitty people can be. 26 years old and too naive for my own good I think.


HHIOTF t1_jegrn1s wrote

It's a good learning experience. You know you deserve better so go out and get it!

Good relationships aren't hard. Remember that as you go forward. You are so young and have so much time to find your person.


MoonchildEm96 OP t1_jegrtz7 wrote

As I say, sometimes I think people only come in to our lives for us to learn something, in one way or another.