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Creative_Recover t1_jefqd10 wrote

Trust me, people who go on dates back-to-back aren't practicing anything healthy (its a very problematic behaviour) and aren't as confident as they seem. You need to get over this whole "Popular people have life better" mindset stuff, the grass is never as green on the other side as you'd think.


[deleted] OP t1_jefqo2x wrote



Creative_Recover t1_jegim7b wrote

Seriously dude I would overlook you because as you are right now you are just one big ball of red flags. You really need to get your shit together and take some responsibility for yourself. You have no-one but yourself to blame here for why things ended with your Ex, she was right to lay down some boundaries. I've given you some practical and positive advice but there's no helping you when you're intent on whinging and shitting on yourself at every opportunity possible.


[deleted] OP t1_jefr90y wrote



Creative_Recover t1_jegi5cd wrote

Ask any woman out there what they look for in a man and I guarantee you that none will go "Well...For starters he must be really depressed and have 0 belief in working on himself, be a constant ball of stress filled with insecurities and use me to get over his Ex. Oh, and I'd really like it if he also looks down on women, has misogynistic attitudes, self-deprecates himself constantly and ruined his previous relationship from cheating on his girlfriend and then trying to control her".

But sure. Definitely women's fault that you keep on getting rejected.