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EnderDitto t1_iujekat wrote

Making marriage plans or calling it quits at 6 months? After the mistakes I've made, I would say you should live with someone for at least a year before you start shopping for rings. It helps to know someone before you sign life changing paperwork. I just went to a wedding for people who spent a few years making sure they wanted marriage before they did it. It's not the 1950s anymore.


Lou_Dorsett t1_iuk5hog wrote

There are exceptions to every rule. What numbers I've found on success rates for living together first vs marrying show living together fails more than marriage.

So, in giving advice to a stranger from a reddit post I say go by the numbers rather than giving a reflection of ourselves. I haven't seen any numbers on length of dating, but the general rule in my part of the world is that being obviously a forever match at about six months or so is a good indicator. Having issues that early is, too.


EnderDitto t1_iuk9pe2 wrote

I'd rather listen to the licenced marriage counselors I have experience with than some random contrarian using Facebook opinion posts for their "numbers".