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oiler1996 t1_iuk8go0 wrote

So from what i got from this is your so called friends spent the entire time trying to get him to argue and angry and they kept pushing him. The more he drank the more they were trying to get him going and it worked. They managed to get him angry and yelling at them and you, they dont seem like good friends at all, no matter who you date they will probably pull the same shit every time because they are miserable and you were somewhat happy before they got involved. As per your other comment, your boyfriend apologized this morning and didnt make you choose sides and said he would understand if you left him, your friends on the other hand started gossiping to another friend to get you to leave him and choose them instead, this comes across as some highschool jealous bullshit on the friends side. If you want to stay with bf try talking to him about setting boundaries when drinking with friends


athena2367 OP t1_iuk9jps wrote

Thank you!! I agree wholeheartedly. Unfortunately, it appears my friends are one and done and don’t believe in giving someone another chance (although I knew this already). So I guess if it does end up working out with him, they won’t be my friend anymore :-) which makes me sad because I don’t want to be known as the girl that chose a guy over her friends, but DAMN, why does it feel like no one sees my side and why I feel like my bf wasn’t (completely) un-justified??? (Again, I did make him take responsibility for it and he didn’t read me the right act for standing up for myself—he actually welcomed it).


oiler1996 t1_iuka8f5 wrote

Just tell the friends that after a talk with your boyfriend you are wishing to continue the relationship with him, explain he took responsiblity for his actions apologized and after talking you decided it was worth continuing and trying together. If they can accept you being happy and arent willing to try and get past this one incident then they arent good friends and they would have found another reason to bail on you eventually. If you see a serious future with this man then i say try with him, focus on what makes you happy and if that is him them focus on that. At the end of the day you being happy is the most important thing, dont let others bring you down because they are currently miserable