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WildlifePolicyChick t1_iye2ok7 wrote

Disregarding everyone and everything else, what do YOU want to do?

Figure that out, and again - not taking anything or anyone else into consideration.

Personally, I think you should go. I doubt your grandpa would want you to toss aside this wonderful opportunity. Life is for the living, OP. Go on the trip.

And get vaccinated. Don't be an idiot.


Adventurous-Art4254 OP t1_iye3m9c wrote

I needed this 🤣


WildlifePolicyChick t1_iye7m8t wrote

Here's a little exercise a therapist told me to try when I couldn't decide something, or more accurately, didn't know my own mind.

Flip a coin.

Get your quarter and pick heads you go, tails you stay. And tell yourself this is it! This is the Deciding Thing, no backsies.

Flip the coin, catch it, slap unto the back of your other hand - but don't uncover it.

Take a deep breath, remember This Is It. Pay close attention to yourself and be very aware of how you feel.

Now. Look at the answer. How do you feel? Like right now, immediately, gut reaction to the answer. Are you relieved, happy, excited, sad, bummed, annoyed you put this decision into the flip of a stupid coin?

This exercise will help you focus on how you feel and what you want. Then make your decision from a place of knowing yourself.

Good luck OP.


Adventurous-Art4254 OP t1_iye9i07 wrote