Submitted by LmaoPlsSendHelp t3_zzwqgb in relationship_advice

I have known this friend for almost 4 years now. We first met at work, where we spent a good part of 3 years working together, getting on calls after work, and chatting each other day and night.

Over time, we have learned and shared a lot about each other. We even have a good understanding of how we both think, even when we're apart. Often, we even think of the same thing at the same time

From talking to her on calls a lot, I have gotten to know her mom and her brother as well, who I ended up submitting a referral for an internship at my new company.

Over the past year, we both changed jobs and companies, but we still have texted each other every day since. Her new company is more demanding, but she still makes time to chat with me a few times a day (I'm pretty sure more than anyone else she talks to other than her family).

Recently, I finally gathered up the courage to ask her on a date after we had met a few times this year. I dropped off a few Christmas gifts at her place when I picked her up, and we went to a mall and had a really fun time together for a few hours. There was even one store where she bought a hand warmer shaped like a chicken which she thought was cute. She was on the fence until I picked it up off the shelf and used it like a puppet to say, "buy me! Buy me!", while its arms flailed around in the air. She chuckled and replied, "you should be a salesman for these things," and took it from me.

When I asked her out after we'd hung out, I told her that I really like seeing her, and I want to take her on a date next time. I told her that I understand if she needs time to think about it or space. She paused and looked forward, and started thinking. She turned toward me, and a few words came out, "I think it needs some more time-." Then, she paused again for a little more thinking and turned back and said, "I see you as a friend right now."

I told her that I respect how she feels and that I wanted to let her know what was going through in my head and how I feel right now, because we are close and she deserves to know. As she was leaving my car and was holding the door, she said "we could hang out again next month, in January" while lightly smiling. And I said, "sure, that'd be great." I held myself together and we joked a little more about other things as she went into her home and said goodbye.

Here is where it gets to how I currently am now. After I got home, she opened the gifts I left for her and her family, and texted me things like, "my mom says you're really talented", "my mom loves her gift, and I like the note you left on it", and then she told me that she loved the gift I had made for her.

I spoke with her briefly and said I was glad she liked them. Hours later while at a family friend's, she started texting me again and included a message saying, "btw, I again can't tell you how much I genuinely love the gift you made." To which I replied, "You're welcome, I'm happy you like it." She reacted with a heart (which she rarely uses), and replied back "I really really really do."

She told me this one more time the next morning, but I didn't really react to it and just replied to her other messages.

Now, we have still been talking since we last met, but just about life in general again and sending memes to each other. She told me about hanging out with her best friend from college, and we have also been talking about work for her company that I'm helping her with.

This is where I am confused on what to do next. Would I like to see her again? Of course, but I am also hurt. She is the first person I have met who didn't stop talking to me after saying no. A lot of my friends have been telling me to start ignoring her and reply late. I haven't really changed how I reply to her yet, as we both have hours delays sometimes before speaking to each other (we are both busy).

My thoughts are that I will continue to hang out with her once a month and just be myself around her and have fun together like we have. Sometimes I will naturally reply to her late, but if I see her message and I have time to reply, I'll reply to her.

I don't know if her feelings will ever change, and I won't force her to. I do still care about her, and I would be happy if she wanted to be together, but I understand that's her choice and mine together. Not one of ours

TL:DR - Asked a girl I've known and had good chemistry with for years on a date. She said she needs to think about it and I'm a friend right now. She still texts me every day, and said we could meet up again next month. She told me a few times that she loves the handmade gift I gave her. I'm confused on what to do next, as I have feelings for her but I respect her and I know I can't force her to like me. I'm happy when I'm around her, so I'm open to seeing her again, but I don't know if it's the right thing to do.



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redditavenger2019 t1_j2e0gqj wrote

You are being friend zoned. If she was interested she would have said yes when asked on the date. Continue cordial conversations. Do expect anything more. Start looking elsewhere for a romantic relationship.


LmaoPlsSendHelp OP t1_j2e5i5d wrote

Thank you. Do you think it's even worth hanging out with her again?

She's just being friendly when she tells me she really loves the gift I gave her?


redditavenger2019 t1_j2ehjxx wrote

There is nothing wrong in hanging out as long as you understand it will be only as friends.


MontEcola t1_j2e3pcx wrote

Yes means yes. Suggesting an alternate plan is yes.

Every thing else is not yes. Which means no.


LmaoPlsSendHelp OP t1_j2e5ksu wrote

What do you mean by the alternate plan? Her saying we can hang out next month?


MontEcola t1_j2eerzk wrote

Yes. When I ask someone out, I offer a time and place. She can suggest a different time or place. That means yes.


Every_Thought5834 t1_j2e95co wrote

She did not exactly close the door. She left if open a little. She said it needs more time and she sees you as friend right now. Sit back and relax. Go hang out with her. You can also let her initiate and see where it goes. She also knows how you feel. Pull back a little. This also does not mean that you have to sit around and wait on her.


LmaoPlsSendHelp OP t1_j2elkqa wrote

Thank you very much

I definitely think I'm along the same lines as this. I probably won't bring up a date with her again for a while, and let her open up if she feels like it since she knows how I feel.