Submitted by theoway1945 t3_zzhrn8 in relationship_advice

We have been together for almost 7 years. I was 19 and he was 30. He already had 2 kids and I have been a stepmother to them ever since.

I think in the beginning, it felt like we had a lot in common because we worked together. We actually don't have much in common at all.

At that time I felt like I was mature, I had a rough childhood and I had a lot of "experience". I felt I had done my party girl years and was ready to settle down.

Fast forward to now, we are married and we have a son together. He is 3.5 years old. He is autistic and non verbal. We don't yet know whether he will ever live independently or start speaking or attend mainstream school.

On 2 separate occasions, I have stumbled across sexual conversations in messages with random women on my husband's phone. No I was not snooping. The first time, I was trying to turn off an alarm and saw he had Skype open where he had been having a graphic conversation with a woman. The second time, I had lost my phone in the house while he was a sleep and used his phone to call it. I noticed a snap notification (he has always said that he hasn't got Snapchat.) I found hundreds of conversations with random women. Another time, an ex colleague messaged me to tell me she had spotted him on a dating site with a screenshot, my husband managed to explain this away as an old account but I cannot verify that either way.

I have no reason to believe he has stopped doing this. I have no reason to trust him at all.

That moves me on to the more mundane aspects of our issues. It's the same things that everyone in broken marriages complain about. The things you always think won't happen to you. Being taken for granted, financial issues, feeling like a housemaid, boring sex, differences in parenting style, never feeling appreciated. In a healthy relationship I suppose these things do crop up but the good should outweigh the bad. In our relationship, it just doesn't. We never have fun. In fact, I remember being a very fun and happy person when we met. He has somehow broken that out of me. Everytime I would laugh too loudly or too much or get too excited about a topic I was passionate about he would scold me to "calm down" and make me feel embarrassed. A few times this made me cry and he would claim he was "joking". Eventually I just stopped laughing or getting excited.

I asked him last Christmas if he would take me on one date in 2022. I told him exactly where I wanted to go. I just wanted to go out for 1 meal, i reminded him often. It hasn't happened yet.

Another issue is the older kids (his kids/my step kids). Everytime I have wanted to leave, they have been a huge factor in my decision to stay. Now, I feel that they are a reason to leave. And I feel like a piece of shit for saying that. They have very serious issues with their behaviour, they're totally disrespectful, violent, they have terrible hygiene, they lie everytime they open their mouths. I have poured years of my life into helping and loving these children and they treat me with nothing but contempt. My husband often leaves me to look after my son and the older 2 children, as well as the house and everything else.

So yeah, I am unhappy in my marriage. Even offering my husband a way to make me feel even a tiny bit appreciated (a single meal in a restaurant) has fallen on deaf ears for over a year while he continued to cheat on me, treat me as a maid and make me raise his horrible children.

This is all without going into the thousands of pounds of my inheritance he has spent and left me with absolutely no savings at all. And that is the issue, I cannot afford to leave. If I could just scoop up my son and walk out of that door knowing I would be okay, then I would. But I have no money and nowhere to go. That's the only thing keeping me here at the moment.

So, can I help him give me another reason to stay? Do I just wait this out until the end of my life?



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Dependent_Remove_326 t1_j2bnt9g wrote

Nope you gave him enough chances and should have only given him one. Move on hun he isn't doing the work its not on you.


TattooPuddle t1_j2bny6n wrote

30 year old with a 19 year old was already a giant red flag. Then he spent your money and left you entirely reliant on him. I'm sorry, you've been taken advantage of. There's a reason he was looking to date someone much younger.

Don't buy into the sunk cost fallacy. Doesn't matter how much time you put into it, he clearly doesn't give a fuck and wanted a hot baby sitter for his kids, not an equal partner.

Leave and never look back. Reach out to friends and family for help.


theoway1945 OP t1_j2bogcr wrote

I wish I could have seen that red flag all those years ago. Even at the age of 25 I look at 19 year olds as being kids, it's actually gross that he even tried it! I just wish I could have seen it. Thank you so much for your advice.


TattooPuddle t1_j2boyhp wrote

No worries. I've been in a similar situation so I get how easy it is to get sucked into it.

I wish you the best. Don't hesitate to reach out to your friends and family. I'd imagine they want you to be safe and happy.


theoway1945 OP t1_j2bp70b wrote

Thanks so much. I think that's going to be hard. I have never given any indication to anyone that we have any problems. I've been sitting silently in this for a long time. I am embarrassed. I guess that being happy eventually is worth being embarrassed for a while


Whiskeygirl81 t1_j2bpzp8 wrote

You work on getting yourself out of that situation.


Ok-fifi-78 t1_j2btezn wrote

You are only 25, leave him and get your life together. Continue your studies if you havent.


melasuarus t1_j2bxwxv wrote

Oh this hurts. I was that 19 yr old once. This is almost identical except I got to leave easily because i didn't have a child with him. This doesn't matter. Leave him. Lean on friends and family. There is so much more to life than this and you are at a great age to press the reset button. I did and it turned out better than i ever could have imagined. Don't wait. How do you want next years new years eve to look?


theoway1945 OP t1_j2c253g wrote

I am so happy that you got out and I hope you're thriving now.

I want to play games with my son and be silly. I want to live in a home that I can clean only once a day and not have to clean up after my husband every second. I would like to have some friends to text a happy new year message to. I'd like to be looking forward to a year of happy days.

You're right, that's not going to happen if I don't start working towards getting out of here. Thank you so much