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t1_j6nu2td wrote

Why on earth did you marry this guy? Why are still married? Why haven't you divorced him yet?

Really? Why???

As far as the "betrayal" goes, this is a situation where you are consuming a drug (alcohol, like caffeine, is a drug) that he objects to and he is trying to get you to stop using by getting his parents to pressure. From a certain point of view, some people would say he's doing a good thing. But given all the other bullshit it does come across as him being controlling and attempting to isolate you from your support.

What you should do is:

  1. Stop drinking. Unless you're an addict this shouldn't be a problem. It completely undercuts his argument too.
  2. Get a divorce lawyer
  3. Destroy him in court.
  4. After everything is done and custody, support, and all that is finalized, pour yourself a tall glass of your favorite and toast to your victory.