BritOnTheRocks t1_j9z5q6b wrote
If you look closely you’ll see a bent spoke in the iron fence below the clock tower. That bent spoke hides a dark mystery from the 19th century.
IsItJake t1_j9zgsyk wrote
Thank you for this read. Took me down a rabbit hole lol
Bunnawhat13 t1_ja04ud1 wrote
They didn’t think a photo would go with the story. Thank you for sharing.
informativebitching t1_ja191da wrote
Story is a tad confusing because the last paragraph is quote from someone saying ‘it should not have been fixed’. Could be shitty journalism. Fwiw there is a 10 year old Reddit post showing the bent spike if you Google it. Was in rva sub
BritOnTheRocks t1_ja1q00n wrote
You can literally see it in this photo if you zoom in.
Bunnawhat13 t1_ja37y4m wrote
I did eventually find it. An article talking about the spike should have a picture.
Bunnawhat13 t1_ja37vfx wrote
Thank you.
oddistrange t1_ja1cbjg wrote
From Google maps.
And Flickr.
Also from Flickr, the view looking up towards the balcony from the fence.
a_real_tomato t1_ja1hayi wrote
Is the red paint meant to look like blood?!
oddistrange t1_ja1ieq7 wrote
That's not paint, it's just the way the metal oxidized over time. Not a metal doctor but it could be that it was plated and the physical deformation (it being bent) ruined the integrity of the plating, could be that during the attempt to free the body tools were used on it and that damaged it in some fashion that altered how it oxidized.
Bunnawhat13 t1_ja381kg wrote
Thank you.
-B001- t1_j9zraa1 wrote
Nice! Now Imma have to go downtown and take a look - I walked by there all the time when I was working downtown!
xDocFearx t1_ja0yyq6 wrote
Ahhh fuck I’m going down an existential crisis now after reading that article
[deleted] t1_ja1lpan wrote
IwasBPonce t1_ja2w95y wrote
Thank you for sharing!
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