
BritOnTheRocks t1_j6fpajy wrote

Reply to comment by xplant87 in Wake up losers, it's Sunday by Stitchmond

Prem, not bad - there’s a handful of places that serious fans tend to hang out. I don’t think we’re a big MLS town in spite of DC United being up the road, though someone can correct me if I’m wrong.

We also have the Richmond Kickers who are fun to watch. No chainsawing lumberjack though.


BritOnTheRocks t1_isxf24n wrote

I think it depends on what you prioritize in life and your relationships. If music or movies are important to you, then you will probably fair better with someone who shares similar tastes.

But if music is just background noise and movies mindless entertainment, then you'll probably be fine and have something else to connect over (food, politics, books, sports, or what-have-you).