Submitted by PercyDovetonsils t3_11a96z8 in rva
KiwiStack t1_j9qnokz wrote
Flying Squirrels are an asset to the city and I will die fighting on this hill. I hope we pony up or at least attempt to negotiate or appease the MLB because the new Diamond is going to be build whether or not we have a minor league team because VCU. It would be beyond infuriating to lose the Squirrels and Parney over this.
rvafun100 t1_j9rt0sx wrote
It’s a private industry making money off people that would die on that hill. Let the MLB invest in their um “investment” they profit from
rvafun100 t1_j9ruh4z wrote
Also, the city is an asset to the MLB…
Ear_Enthusiast t1_j9t6idj wrote
The city, not the Squirrels, owns the Diamond. They Squirrels can leave any time they want. VCU also uses that dump. Hopefully we can get both of them a new stadium. A Double-A stadium isn't much bigger than what a college team needs.
laborpool t1_j9tchzw wrote
MLB and the Squirrels can suck it.
Ear_Enthusiast t1_j9tfcy3 wrote
A new ball park should pay for itself several times over. Every ticket, beer, soda, hotdog, candy, luxury suite, merch, event at the park are taxed. The businesses around the ball park get busy before the games. Last game I went to, we couldn't get into Fat Dragon or Boulevard Burgers. A nice new park would be an even bigger draw. The alternative would be losing the Squirrels, tearing down the Diamond, some corporation buys the space and builds a Target there.
laborpool t1_j9th8yz wrote
And yet no ball park or arena or football field anywhere in the country has ever made a profit nor have they paid for their own maintenance.
Fat Dragon consistently has a wait. The current Diamond was the best in minor leagues when built and yet over its lifespan it spawned no business in the area, not so much as a hotdog stand.
I’d like for those in Richmond that enjoy baseball to have a team to support, I’m not a monster, but this is extortion and it is offensive and tone deaf for a billion dollar organization to demand public money for something so frivolous.
Ear_Enthusiast t1_j9trw1i wrote
They've never turned a profit in net sales but in tax revenue it brings in a lot of money. And again, VCU uses the stadium too. And the Diamond might have been great for a few years back when it was built but it's been a dump for 30 years. I moved up here from Hampton Roads in the early 90's. Norfolk tore down Met Park because it was suc a shit hole and built Harbor Park. I remember my first trip to the Diamond thinking that even divey-ass Met Park, that was torn down, was much nicer than the Diamond. That was 30 years ago. Meanwhile Harbor Park in Norfolk is packed every night with a Triple-A team, thirty years later.
rvafun100 t1_j9ut7t5 wrote
Plenty of studies that show stadiums are a net loss for every city that’s ever built one
Pretend-Bread-8856 t1_j9u8q7x wrote
And yet not only does the flying squirrels have the best attendence in their league, they have much better attendance than norfolk in their fancy new stadium. I think many inprovements could be made to inprove the property but a total tear down is a waste of taxpayer money. Richmond has a ton of other problems that would be better served with that money.
Ear_Enthusiast t1_j9utspe wrote
> the flying squirrels have the best attendance in their league
And the Squirrels are absolutely going to leave if they don't get new stadium. The Tides have been in Norfolk since 1961. We lost the R-Braves in 08.
Pretend-Bread-8856 t1_j9vy6xv wrote
And before the braves moved out after years of terrible play we had the yankees farm team. If we go down to single a that would be fine too. We cant make terrible financial decisions based on fear of change.
Chrahhh t1_j9u6o0e wrote
Lol the MLB will move the team, they don’t care if it’s in Richmond or not
rvafun100 t1_j9utvdx wrote
Good let them, when a new stadium is built and MLB comes begging to be in the number #1 market again maybe Richmond can demand a share of the profits rather than being the MLB’s sugar daddy
LoveiseverywhereXOXO t1_j9v59al wrote
I’d rather feed kids and improve our roads than pay for a private business’ upkeep expenses. MLB is a multibillion dollar industry, if they can’t pay for their own infrastructure why should the tax payers of our city?
KiwiStack t1_j9v9e4s wrote
If you think Richmond not spending money on this means it’s automatically going to kids and roads, you are gonna be really bummed if ever take time to learn how government budgeting works.
Also, as stated elsewhere, Richmond owns the Diamond. Not MLB nor the Squirrels.
LoveiseverywhereXOXO t1_j9vaypd wrote
3.5 million spent on a stadium means 3.5 million that can’t be spent on things that actually matter. As has been pointed out throughout this thread by many people, the owners of the Squirrels and their parent companies have the money, let them spend it.
fractalflatulence t1_j9v8lpl wrote
Penny wise and dollar foolish. With the new Diamond district coming losing the team now would be devastating. The lifetime value in terms of tax revenue of the team and the business squirrels games generate and will continue to generate in the surrounding area is greater than this expense
KiwiStack t1_j9vcntt wrote
Thank you. This is the better argument that I could have made.
I will add that if we lose the squirrels, the chances of getting another minor league team with the front office of the caliber that parney gives us is slim to none
LoveiseverywhereXOXO t1_j9vd0m5 wrote
I’d much rather see that land used for more mixed income housing than be used for a new stadium, the diamond district would be fine without it because those are things we actually need and land is at a premium in Richmond these days.
There is no evidence that the squirrels are making the city money. In all these years of these same arguments no one has ever shown that it makes more money for the city after the expenses it costs to keep it running. Statistically around the nation these are money losing ventures that cost cities money and make private business rich at taxpayer expense. It’s bullshit.
KiwiStack t1_j9vgqmt wrote
Funny you say that. The Diamond District will include mixed income housing and lots of green spaces.
LoveiseverywhereXOXO t1_j9vi3gs wrote
Yes and if we don’t have a stadium there’s room for more! Nothing about the diamond district hinges on baseball other than the name
fractalflatulence t1_j9ycdg6 wrote
>I’d much rather
yeah we get it. The thing is... and maybe no one has told you this before... the world doesn't revolve around you: some people like baseball. Some people aren't so biased they can see pros and cons to both arguments.
LoveiseverywhereXOXO t1_j9yt3dy wrote
Cool so let’s throw millions of dollars and valuable resources away to subsidize a failing and predatory business that is a net drain on our money because you like a game for children whose owners are too cheap to pay for their own business needs. Brilliant
fractalflatulence t1_j9yvbde wrote
$3.5M is a drop in the bucket. Throwing the baby out with the bath water to lose the team over it. ::shrug::
LoveiseverywhereXOXO t1_j9z186q wrote
It’s always a good idea to double down on a bad deal you are right
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