
rvafun100 t1_j2yt3uw wrote

Vacancy rate is MUCH higher than 1.7%. Take a walk at night, you’ll see lots of dark buildings with “leasing now” signs.

One way to curb demand is to not haphazardly build build build…if potential transplants can’t find a place to live they move elsewhere, like Durham. Mind blowing right


rvafun100 t1_j2yqk6p wrote

Can tell by your uninformed diatribe you are very young and haven’t been involved with developers in the real world. As I said before it is a pointless exercise to try to inform you. Literally take a walk in the areas I pointed out for you…make sure to take your phone for pics of all the new development happening as you read this.


rvafun100 t1_j2ynwwg wrote

Nope I meant the exact block I noted. And if you need more examples there are plenty in Carver, Jackson Ward, and Church Hill too. Zoning laws are there for a reason, most non-transplants do not want our neighborhoods or city overrun with these grand visions of ugly high density buildings going up by “right”. That would be an absolute nightmare


rvafun100 t1_j2yddvt wrote

The regulations…LOL. Again step outside, stop ignoring the reality of buildings actually going up in the city that are modern versions of Fan-like townhomes (all in the areas mentioned above as well as many more). If you really want some high-density dystopian city then move back to the city from which you hail. Richmond does not have the infrastructure to just haphazardly build build build and get rid of parking requirements, or add ADUs where people/corporations want like so many uninformed here state. It’s a MUCH more dynamic equation than you surmise with simple supply/demand thinking.


rvafun100 t1_j2ybz6n wrote

Cheap and massive 5/1s are what corporate ‘developers’ are focused on because they have the highest margins and arguably lead to the most housing units/density in the shortest amount of time. However, the development of high-end townhomes is in fact happening in the areas listed above (and many not mentioned and even many more in the pipeline). They are not illegal by any means, and zoning laws are not preventing them from being built as so many falsely state…have a look at the 2600 block of Kensington Ave as just one example.


rvafun100 t1_j2xksyx wrote

You’re so wrong on so many levels it is pointless to try to inform you. The Pulse already runs right by these areas (except Chamberlayne and Manchester but it will expand), there are row houses currently being built as well as the more valuable high density apartments. Again, get outside and walk around, real life is much different than the nonsense you spew on Reddit


rvafun100 t1_j15hg30 wrote

Richmond is nothing like Portland or Austin, now or even 20 years ago. Very different population, very different outdoor experiences, different economic base, different nightlife. Here’s a clue, no one is writing Richmondia. If Richmond is similar to any other city it would be Durham, and a little bit of Milwaukee or Grand Rapids.
