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t1_j98hb9h wrote

I accepted the world is ending with the amount of trees and flowers accelerating into full bloom before Feb ends. Usually seeing that brings me out of seasonal depression but it’s way too early.


t1_j98krui wrote

Same! I love seeing the first buds on the trees and forsythia brings the biggest smile to my face. But it’s not supposed to happen barely halfway through February, it’s just not.


t1_j98tmx5 wrote

Just imagine all the crops thinking “OKAY ITS TIME TO GO TO WORK” and then dying because of some random cold front freeze that they didn’t expect to happen cause they were catfished from this unusual warm weather in this winter.


t1_j9ak54x wrote

The area where I walk my dog every day has two magnolias in full bloom already. I know they’re generally some of the first to bloom but damn, mid february?

Cherry trees also bring me so much happiness but I normally see them mid-march. There’s a bunch blooming already around short pump.

I already expect march through may to be miserable with frigid winds. It felt like that last year


t1_j98oo2u wrote

The grass in my yard usually stops growing around October, goes full brown by December, and doesn't green up until March. The whole neighborhood was still mowing in November and some even into December this season. I still have green patches that never went brown. My son's tomato plant was still alive in December. We just didn't have a long enough cold snap to reset everything.

I wonder what the bug populations will be like this year.


t1_j98tv9v wrote

Ugh, the mosquitoes will be hunting me.


t1_j99qeyp wrote

Every mosquito egg that was laid last fall survived this winter.


t1_j9c52a9 wrote

Thanks for the reminder to put fresh crumbles in my rain barrel.


t1_j990y6u wrote

Yeah I thought about bringing my pepper plants in and babying them, only like 60 days and they could have had some time outside.


t1_j9ajjn3 wrote

I saw the first robin of the season this past Saturday. SWVA. Spring is here, even if the weather is all over the place.


t1_j9cd886 wrote

it’s been like this for about 10 years, though. I recall being 13/14 and having a fake spring just about every year like this. our cherry tree blooms, then they all die off prematurely because of a night where it drops to freezing temps.