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kneel_yung t1_ja4b3l4 wrote

Capitalists have to extract every penny out of you. If they don't, it's an inefficiency.

Why should there be a free place to congregate when a capitalist can profit off that experience? Why should a capitalist pay for a mall for you to hang out in when you can just buy stuff from your phone and have it delivered? Why should a capitalist pay for you to have a good experience when we've proven that we'll still blow money on dumb crap on the internet even if we're crazy depressed.

Corporations are earning record revenues right now because they have cover to raise prices. Why should we have any money? A capitalist is entitled to your money. You're only entitled to pay your taxes (so that corporations don't have to) and to pay out the ass for basic necessities like groceries and housing.

Those boats don't wax themselves. So shut your mouth and open your wallet.


Colt1911-45 t1_ja66lly wrote

You can move to a communist or socialist country and stand in several different queues for hours on end to buy bread or milk or vegetables. You will get plenty of socialization in whilst standing in line, comrade.


OrtizDupri t1_ja680rj wrote

Damn I wonder if people in America have to wait in line for necessities


Colt1911-45 t1_ja7fkdi wrote

That article is about food pantries, not everyday shops. Do you not know anything about socialist or communist societies and how they actually function?


OrtizDupri t1_ja7spx5 wrote

damn I’ve never waited in line at… a store