
OrtizDupri t1_jefftm6 wrote

I'm not gonna lie - maybe, but probably not? Definitely a few of the pieces would work for that, but I don't think there's enough out there to get them all together (and I know the pain of needing one or two things from Lowe's and having to make that separate run).

Just added pics of the wood! https://imgur.com/a/NAiz9II


OrtizDupri t1_jeb1eba wrote

The Bowleros around here are just rebranded whatevers - they might have one night a week that they do black lights, but 99% of the time they're just a regular boring old bowling alley. Just went the other night (Tuesday) and paid $3 a game and had the same regular bowling experience as back in the old days. Still have league nights where everyone shows up and drinks cheap beer and all the regular lights are on, etc.

Good nachos though.

> There are no working middle class-ish entertainment options because the working middle class has been steadily drying up in this country in a way that is unsustainable.

I generally do agree with this, but I also wonder if our definitions of middle class differ (I would say based on The Mill's menu that it is firmly a middle class establishment).