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10000Didgeridoos t1_ja6n8jw wrote

Bed bugs don't instantly reproduce and don't travel in packs on people. We get them on homeless and poor patients fairly often where I work and at most you might see one or two of them drop off onto the floor or the chair they are sitting in.

Like you don't go to a movie and then bring home a dozen engorged bed bugs that just came off another person on your clothes, especially without noticing at all, and then discover many of them less than 24 hours later. That isn't how they work. Google results say it takes several weeks for them to lay eggs and for those to hatch and go through the several life cycle stages before becoming adult, blood sucking bugs.

It's possible but it's more likely they came in from somewhere days or weeks earlier. You can pick them up from any public chair you sit in if someone with bed bugs on their clothes sat there before you.