
10000Didgeridoos t1_ja6ni45 wrote

I also doubt that teens are a big source of revenue at Bowtie compared to like Regal Short Pump given the age demographics of who lives nearby each. Regal could never do this - their Friday and Saturday and summer night shows are always packed with middle and high school kids - but Bowtie is more college students and older.


10000Didgeridoos t1_ja6n8jw wrote

Bed bugs don't instantly reproduce and don't travel in packs on people. We get them on homeless and poor patients fairly often where I work and at most you might see one or two of them drop off onto the floor or the chair they are sitting in.

Like you don't go to a movie and then bring home a dozen engorged bed bugs that just came off another person on your clothes, especially without noticing at all, and then discover many of them less than 24 hours later. That isn't how they work. Google results say it takes several weeks for them to lay eggs and for those to hatch and go through the several life cycle stages before becoming adult, blood sucking bugs.

It's possible but it's more likely they came in from somewhere days or weeks earlier. You can pick them up from any public chair you sit in if someone with bed bugs on their clothes sat there before you.


10000Didgeridoos t1_ja6mq4k wrote

If it was a truly common occurrence, it would be shut down by the DoH immediately until fixed.

It's not common. Thousands of people go there daily and bed bugs aren't a thing. Any place you ever go with shared seating with the public and rapid turnover is liable to have them get on someone eventually. All it takes is the person before you having them, leaving one or two on the seat, and then they hop on you when you go to the next movie time 30 minutes later. They can't visually inspect and bug bomb movie theater seats in between shows.

I swear this is some dumb urban legend that started because it happened to one or two people once at some point in the last decade, and then just has been retold so many times people think it's happening all the time. There is no large entertainment venue anywhere that would get away with a literal bed bug infestation, especially for fucking years on end.


10000Didgeridoos t1_ja6m7z3 wrote

It must have really changed since COVID. Back when I used to go there often in the 2010s, the crowds were almost all college students and older since it's by the Diamond and not near the suburbs. It seemed like mostly people from the Fan, MD, and northside.

I hardly ever saw a lot of high school kids there.


10000Didgeridoos t1_j9p7nmz wrote

They do after like 10th grade here. No more gym class/PE after 10th grade, and 11th and 12th are just all lecture after lecture.

Recess is killed off by middle school.

We had a big group of friends in 11th and 12th grade that would go outside and play football, ultimate frisbee, and basketball during the 25 minute study hall period we had because our teachers were cool and didn't care. That little bit of exercise and mental unwinding was such a great way to break up the day and get ready for 3 more classes in the afternoon. It's a shame that schools don't even give an official option to have an exercise period like that when students finish with PE. Basically recess for teenagers.

We had a 4 team league going with kids from the Spanish class, Latin class, band, and chemistry class that all were at the end of the same hallway and therefore had the same lunch and study hall times. I'd bet with all the shootings over the last 15 years that kids aren't even allowed outside at all anymore like that.


10000Didgeridoos t1_j9p6irs wrote

And have this in a way that isn't adding 90 minutes to a work day, but rather keeping the work load the same with time to unwind and recharge midday.


10000Didgeridoos t1_j9p4uwb wrote

School as it currently exists is batshit. I was able to sit still and pay attention for hours on end, but many kids are not as lucky as me in that aspect and cannot do that. I seriously think that many kids are not dumb and get bad grades largely because they do not learn effectively while having to try to sit in a chair listening to someone talk for 45 minutes to an hour and a half at time. School only provides one, archaic method of teaching and learning and then treats the kids who don't fit that system like they are hopelessly stupid or unmotivated.

I was busier day to day in grade school than I was in college or working an adult job after it. Life shouldn't be this way. School for 7 hours, then maybe sports or band or whatever practices someone does, then like 4 to 5 hours of homework when you get home. It's a ridiculous grind.


10000Didgeridoos t1_j8rxxq0 wrote

So you'd rather both pay higher real estate taxes and get no rebate?

Yeah, that makes logical sense. You're getting hosed by Richmond City at both ends.

Edit: I'm always amazed when I edit a comment I just made on a 13 hour old comment and the butthurt OP has already down voted it within 30 seconds. Do you people just live on Reddit?


10000Didgeridoos t1_j64jl88 wrote

No dumbass. Some of us just don't want a memorial to a rapist gracing a park in our town.

I do not give a single fuck what my reddit karma score is and I never check messages or go back to old comments I made to reply. I drop my take and leave. Which I'll do again here because Kobe stans can't handle reality: Kobe raped and choked a woman.

Run from it all you want. It's what he did and he got away with it. Same shit with Ben Roethlisberger.

Please explain in detail why you think society should just pretend Kobe didn't commit a violent felony and should worship his memory because he died in a helicopter crash. It says more about you than it does about us. You want us to admire a rapist. Nah, hard pass. He was a rapist piece of shit before he got married and having a wife and kids later doesn't erase his raping.

Kobe Bryant. Rapist. deal with it. He wasn't Nelson fucking Mandela.


10000Didgeridoos t1_j64is1q wrote

Because some dumb yee yee ass people think being good at basketball and becoming a father and being killed early in an accident makes up for him raping and choking a woman earlier in life, because they are delusional apologist idiots.

Might as well throw up a Harvey Weinstein memorial when he dies while we're at it. Hey, he financed films people like so we should just excuse and forget his raping.

Rape isn't something one grows and learns from any more than killing someone is. But HURRR Kobe ball good bro so it's all good! Worship him!

It blows my mind that people think getting married and having kids somehow makes up for raping someone before that. He might have been good to them but it's irrelevant. He still raped someone. That isn't a mistake. It's a violent crime he never did any time for and never apologized for. He just paid her off to make her go away.


10000Didgeridoos t1_j64hzbw wrote

Kobe is a rapist. Deal with it. Accept it. Just because he was great at basketball and inspired people to play basketball doesn't change the fact that he raped a woman in a hotel room.

"Moral police" is like people getting mad that someone littered one time.

He on the other hand violently choked and raped a woman.

What part of that do you mindless Kobe stans not understand? Why do you support turning a rapist into an idol because he died early in a helicopter crash?

Should we build the Jeffrey Epstein and Bill Cosby Center for Women next?

Same shit. You cannot handle that your favorite basketball player committed a violent felony. It's your problem, not ours.